Chapter 1: Initium

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Upon awakening on my cot, I can smell the dirty ash in the air. One could think it's dry however it's cold and damp. The morning dew shines as the sunlight hits the blades of grass. I let out a sigh and I can see my breath in front as I lay there staring at the ceiling of the tent. I sit up and swing my legs around to the side. I look at the other people around me. Some were still sleeping, some got up to cook breakfast for the rest of us, others praying for everyone's safety. Then there were the poor children. Some of them have been separated from their families in the middle of all this chaos. Some of them were crying. I don't blame them, I would too if I was that young... there were some of the older kids trying to distract the younger ones from the despair that everyone is feeling, that their parents are feeling. 

"Two more showed up." I hear a man's voice behind me as well as a hand on my shoulder. "What?" I ask while still half asleep. Oh, it's you Phylos... I look behind me and move his hand away. "Two more what?" I repeat as I rub the sleepiness from my eyes. "Caravans. We can get more people to safety." Phylos smiles. It's not common to see a genuine smile anymore. Ever since Hell's Rapture nobody has seen any reason to smile. They'd be too busy running away from the Demon's forces and trying to get to any safe haven offered. Various churches, Synagogues, Mosques, all places of worship have been packed with people trying to escape demons. "Of course. Though two won't fit everyone." I get up and look at Phylos in the eyes. "General Haynes said anymore could be dangerous. We're going to have to leave and come back for the rest." He looks over at the mess tent where people are having breakfast. 

Later people started piling into the two caravans. Some soldiers stood by to make sure nobody got hurt getting in. "Father Damon?" someone taps my shoulder. "Yes my child?" I turn around and see Clem, someone I met at the start of Hell's Rapture. Clem motioned for me to follow them so I did. "Is something wrong?" I ask and they think for a moment. "I wanna say yes? Someone freaking out was asking to see you." They shrug so I decide I'd see what this person wants. I see a woman acting hysterical, hyperventilating, not anything out of the ordinary considering what's happening. 

"You... please listen to me!" There was this shakiness in her voice. "What's troubling you? " I kneel down to her level and ask in a calming voice. "You... Father.. please. Whatever you do... don't go." she says in between deep breaths. I hand her a tissue to wipe the tears that ran down her cheeks. I hold one of her hands gently. "I'm not going anywhere. What's the matter." I ask again. "I don't.. just please. Don't do anything dangerous, Father." She repeats and I admit to myself I fail to understand. I offer to join her in a prayer if she wishes and she declines. "Just stay safe, Father Damon, that'll be enough." She sniffs. If that is what will help her calm down I should assure her that I along with everyone else will remain safe... so I do just that. Her tears reduce to a minimum and a little smile grows. I smile back before I go to General Haynes tent.  

"General Haynes. If I'm interrupting something I can come back another time." I say after I noticed he looked busy. "Not at all. I was about to ask someone to come get you but here you are." He clears his throat. He hands me a sheet of paper. I look down and it's a picture of a group of robed people and demons entering a cathedral. "What am I supposed to do with this?" I look up from the paper and at General Haynes. "Some of my men reported there is a high possibility this could be the epicenter of the rapture." He brings out a map of a town where, I assume, the cathedral is located. "So you think this was caused by a mass summoning by a cult?" I ask as I look back at the robed individuals in the photo. "It's my guess. But that's why I'm having you and a few others going there." He adds as he picks up the map and hands it to me along with the photo. "Excuse me?" My eyes widen as I begin to register his words. 

"Did you not hear me right Father? You and some others will be investigating the cathedral." He repeats while walking away. "Sir, I heard you. But why am I going?" I rephrase trying to follow behind. He stops in his tracks and turns around. "You're the priest. Figure it out." He snaps back. "Um.. technically I'm an exorcist, not a priest." I begin to answer my own question. "There's your answer. My men will need spiritual back up." He sighs as he leaves me standing in his tent speechless. I never dealt with multiple demons at once, who knows if these are the same ones I've exorcised I... I start to panic. I'm not a fighter, what if these demons are more powerful than I, more powerful than many of us. I leave the tent as soon as I get feeling back in my legs. My shaky walk must have tipped Clem off that something was wrong. They catch up with me. "Is everything alright?" They ask as they walk with me. I explained everything I was told. I tighten my grip on the map.

"You have faith in whatever god you believe in, right?" They put their arm around my neck. "Yes..." I exhale nervously. Where are they going with this... they step in front of me and turn to face me. "Then have faith they will protect you." They laugh "Like damn, what kind of priest are you?" they joke. Not a priest... I laugh with them, Clem really has a talent of making someone feel better. I wish I had their charisma. Later I can see Phylos and two others talking to the general. General Haynes points to me so I take that as a cue to join the conversation. Phylos motions towards me when I get there. "Father Damon, this gentlemen and gentle lady are going to join us." He jokingly introduces us. He leaves to go to a dispatch vehicle and left us with time to get acquainted. "Xavier Fole." One of the men holds his hand out so I shake it. "And you are?" I glance at the lady. "Annalise Lorelei. Nice to meet you, Father." She gives a subtle bow. 

With introductions over and ice broken we head to the dispatch vehicle. "Wait..." Clem stops me before I enter. "I know it's not really my thing but may god grant you a safe journey." their smile has a hint of worry. "And you too. It means a lot." I thank them. I really needed that... for I am scared, I know not of what awaits us in the cathedral. 

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