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'Hey, so you're still coming over right?' Tara Carpenter had been leaning on the kitchen island of her white suburban home, calling her girlfriend for the past 15 minutes as she got ready. 'Yea, I just got Mindy to cover for me in case her mom checks. I should be there at 10." Tara could hear Anastasia open her bedroom window, climbing onto her roof and proceeding to jump down.

All the sudden the phone rang behind Tara, Tara walked over to the phone. 'Unknown Number' once she read that she hung up, going back to the pasta and stirring it, then shaking her inhaler and bringing it to her lips. 'Okay, just hurry your ass up, the pasta is almost done.' 'ooo pasta? What kind?' Tara could hear the smile on Anastasia's face. 'Penne.' 'Did I ever tell you I love you?' Tara giggled slightly. The phone rang again. 'I'll call you back, someones calling the landline repeatedly.' 'is it wes again I swear i'll bet his ass just give me the word. Who even uses the landline nowadays anyways? ' Anastasia chuckled. 'Be safe, love you.' and with that Anastasia hung up.

Tara picked up the landline bringing it to her ear. 'Hello?' almost instantly Tara got an answer. 'Hello? Uh- is Christina there?' 'No she's away, but can I take a message?' Tara walked out the kitchen grabbing a teal and gold velvet ottoman. 'Uh yeah, I'm from group I- Oh shit!' 'of oh shit?' Tara mocked smiling. 'Look um just tell her I'm from the group... I'm Charlie, she's got my number." Tara laughed, climbing on the ottoman to grab the liquor cabinet key. 'Oh, she goes to a group?'

'Look I shouldn't have uh- just tell her that Charlie called.' Tara pulled her phone out of her back pocket. 'And I will do exactly that Charlie. Why don't you tell me what kind of group we are talking about?'

'That's- AA, NA?' Tara cut Charlie off, starting to text Anastasia.

- I think it's my moms new boyfriend

'Wow- you sound just like she describes you.' 'She talks about me?' Tara asks about getting a message from Anastasia.


- Seriously??? Color me intrigued

"Look , I don't think I can talk about that." "What does she say about me?' Tara replied curiously. 'Well she loves you very much.'

'cool. What does she love about me?' Tara found it hard to believe as she doesn't exactly have a good relationship with her mom, especially since her sister left.

'Umm- okay well.' Tara walked to the door picking up the mail, awaiting an answer. 'She loves that you're creative, you love art, tv and movies.' Tara cut him off once again. 'Okay well lots of people love movies.'

'Yeah but she says you love scary movies, and that you guys have that in common. She's proud of making a fan out of you.'

'She is?' Tara asked. 'She told me the other day. She said she wonders-' the caller's voice started to deepen and go gravely, but Tara paid no mind to it. Her second mistake after picking up the phone. 'What's your favorite scary movie?'

Stay With Me... ✩ Tara Carpenter x Fem! ocWhere stories live. Discover now