Making my way to Cookout first I pulled into the drive thru hearing my phone ring which made my music stop.

"Hello i said putting the phone to my ear"

"Where you at girl" Ty said.

"At cook out then going to target wassup" I said putting it on speaker and sitting the phone in my cup holder.

"Nothing dry wishing I was invited but hey" she said sighing loud making me laugh.

" GIRL please" i responded back .

"Ight girl anyways see you later" Ty said over the phone we said our piece and hung up.

"You want a corndog or nuggets" I said looking into the rear veiw mirror at storm.

"Candy" she mumbled with her arms folded throwing a fit.

"Well eat shit and bark at moon pooh" I said.

I got to the mic ordered me a cookout tray and her some nuggets and fries. She really been testing me and pissing me off since Me and Tone broke up but idc. We was good before him and we'll be good without his pink ass🙄.

I handed storm her food and we headed to target. I
looked at the time with it being 2:33 i was just gonna go to target then Old Navy and get my eyebrows done tomorrow cause i was tryna cook tonight. Well before 6:40 because after that I won't feel like it.

As we was came to a red light i looked back seeing storm haven't touched her food with a pout on her face.

"Wassup with you" I asked turning the music down looking back at her.

"I just want candy" she sighed looking at the window.

"You can't have your way all the time maybe if you eat some real food you might can get some candy" i started off saying as the light turned green.

"I want a new mommy" she mumbled low but i still heard her.

"You know what you make things really hard for me and I try really hard for you and you want a new mommy cause your not getting candy" i said as i looked for a empty space in the target parking lot.

"Since you want a new mommy we can find you one so give me my play houses back , my ipad, my lolz, my babies and hope your new mommy replaces it all how bout that." I continued as i put the car in park grabbing my phone and purse out the passenger seat and turned around to her as she silently cried.

"Exactly so who's the new mommy gonna be" i asked her and she shrugged her shoulders.

I grabbed her out the car then made our way into target grabbing a cart and putting her into the seat part of it.

I went to the home decor section looking for a new bed. I didn't want to get another bed she'll grow out of quickly again so i decided to get her a platform twin bed for now.

"Pink or Grey" I asked her pointing to the beds.

"Hmm I think Pink" She said pointing to the pink bed.

I grabbed the box and put it on the bottom of the basket going to the hygiene section because we needed soap and more bubbles

I picked up some dove soap scented and unscented also some deodorant, lotion & whatever else i felt like we needed / wanted.

"Mommy can i get that" Storm said as she pointed to a teddy bear that was link with hearts on the arms and feet. I got the bear putting it in the cart and went into the bedroom area so i could get a new lamp and her some sheets.

"LolZ orrrrr" i said pushing her in the cart then checking the time on my phone and it reading 3:57.

"Hmm" she said while tapping her finger on her chin.

far from itحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن