" You know, quite recently at the Scripture Union meeting, I was informed that people dating shouldn't try little things that will lead them on to bigger things." Ciarra states in her defense.

" Since when did you start doing bible?" Lejandro chuckled.

" I don't know, Cameron introduced me into the club, you know her right, she was my first seating partner remember?"

" So you guys have never..." Amanda asked, " What kind of relationship do you have, friendship?"

" I don't know which of the ships we are but we're definitely in a relationship." Kobby defends.

They went on fussing about random stuff for two more hours, as dusk approached, they all decided to call it a day and retired to their various homes.

8:15pm read the clock next to the gigantic windows of her ward when she opened her eyes. She realized what woke her, a loud shrilling cry that sounded so unfamiliar to her, like... like that from a baby. Rebecca turned her head to the side and saw the flaying arms of the little infant in the crib next to her.

Right, she was a mother now and that was obviously her baby. Last thing she remembered seeing was blinding lights in the labour ward. Rebecca tried to get up but her back hurt in ways she couldn't imagine like she had been lying down for hours. What day was today? She wondered to herself because the room she was in smelled quite different from the one she'd labored in.

It took a few seconds of trying before she could reach out to the crib and pull it closer to her. She didn't even know how to pick her up right so she turned to the bell on her headrest and pressed twice on it to call the nurse . She could see the look in the baby's teary eyes but she was scared to pick her up the wrong way, the lights in her room were off so she could barely make out her daughter's face.

The doctor on duty rushed in with her nurse in toe and flipped the lights on. Rebecca squinted at the inflow of white light as she took in her surroundings. Tied to her headrest were balloons and strimmers with the inscription, " It's a Girl" boldly written on it. There were several colourful paperbags and greeting cards next to her nightstand. She was too confused to ask any questions.

" Where's Dr Ortega?" She croaked.

" He left you in my care, I am Dr Hues." The lady replied as the nurse picked up the baby rocking her but she wouldn't stop crying.

" She's hungry." The nurse says with a warm smile, " I'm going to teach you how to breastfeed her."

She took her time in teaching Rebecca how to pick her baby up, breastfeed her and change her clothes and diapers. In an hour the baby was asleep in new change of clothes. The doctor returned to her duties leaving Rebecca with her daughter sleeping in her crib.

Rebecca couldn't sleep after that so she decided to turn off the lights to see if that would work. She stared in the darkness of her room and suddenly, something moved in the window. She hoped she was on some sort of medication responsible for that. She noticed something in the window, like a shadow and she slowly pulled the baby's crib towards her bed. She realized just how vulnerable she'd become now that she had a baby. When she looked up, the shadow was gone.

" Missed me?" A familiar voice says frightening the life out of her. She immediately got out of her bed ripping the IV tubes out of her hand.

Before she could make way towards him, he took one long stride meeting her lips with his. Rebecca pushed him away.

" Are you insane? You scared the living daylight out of me." She held her chest in panic trying to calm herself down.

" I never thought I'd ever see you afraid." He laughed one of his stupid egotistical laughs.

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