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Choi Hyunsuk, 19.

"you got this" said the boy to cheer himself for his first day class. It's 9 in the morning.

Diamond University, one of the top University in Seoul is where Hyunsuk enroll and got in by scholarship.

Hyunsuk grown up at Iksan along with his grandmother. After Hyunsuk were born, things doesn't go well between his parents. When he turn three, his parents got divorce.

Thinking as a burden, his parents left him to his grandmother and found themselves a life. He is 19 now, either his father or mother, they have never visited him, doesn't even care to asked about his wellbeing. They have abandon him, act like he wasn't even exist.

Unless like his parents. Hyunsuk's grandmother loves him so much. When he was 15, knowing how much his grandmother worked hard for his school expenses, he decide to stop studying to lessen his grandmother's struggles. He insist to work but his grandmother disapprove with his plan. Knowing Hyunsuk has always been the top student of school, she wants him to focus on his studies.

Without any objections, he decided to study hard to create a better future to repay his grandma who have been taking care of him all these time.

Always being the top student of school, he managed to get scholarship and enrolled to one of the top University in Seoul. Aside from being top, it is also known for rich. Students who attend the University are mostly rich.


After searching for some time, he finally got into his class. He took a seat next to the window. With eyes close, taking a deep breath "you got this Choi Hyunsuk" he reminded himself.

Growing up with his grandma at Iksan, Seoul and people here are new to him. He is scared and nervous thinking how he gonna survive here alone. But he gave to. No?

Sitting space out, mind filled up with his own thoughts. The empty class slowly get filled by students, some smiled and bow to him. He replied them the same smile and bow. Not long after, the lecture entered the class.

Nothing much happen. Just students introducing each other and the lecture explained how they will start doing their assignments and stuff in the future. It was 1p.m when their class ended. There is 2hrs left for the next class to start.

Having his lunch, he decide to stroll around the campus. The University is indeed big. Looking around he reached the backyard of the building. He found some benches around there and decide to take a seat. He fish out his phone to call his grandma. He haven't talk to her since morning.

After few ring, the call got connected.

"aigooo, my sukkie. How are you?"

Just by hearing that voice, Hyunsuk's lips curved up formed into a bright smile.

"miss you granny" Hyunsuk replied with pout.

Hearings her baby grandson, she let out a laugh. After talking for some minutes, Hyunsuk ended the call. Having some conversation with his grandma really makes him feel better. With the same bright smile which was form while talking to his grandma, he looked up at the sky. His heart somehow felt light after talking with his grandma. All those nervousness he had earlier is nowhere to be found.

Soon the smile gone into a frown. He heard someone's cry. He stood up, thinking whether to look for the sound or not. After all it's not his business. He don't really have to care about who is that or what it is. But before he know, he is already there. Hiding behind one of the wall with eyes wide open, choking on the air. Almost let out a gasp before he close his mouth with his hand.

From what he sees, few students holding on their cigarettes while one crouch down on the floor crying with bruises.

"did they beat him?" was the first thing he thought.

"no. no. I shouldn't have come here. I should leave before anyone notice me" he mentally warn himself before taking a turn ready to leave the place.

"hey sweety" said the guy facing Hyunsuk as he turn to leave. Hyunsuk gulped in nervous.

"I got caught? how long have he been standing here?" he thought.

The other guy immediately wrapped his arm around Hyunsuk's shoulder.

"dude. I found him hiding behind the wall. I don't know how long he been standing there" said the guy walking closer to the other boys who Hyunsuk believe or can address as bullies.

Everyone at the place turned their attention to the guy who just arrived with Hyunsuk besides him. Now Hyunsuk can see, there is two including the one arm around him, three. Just by the gaze the other boy give send shivers around his body.

"he looks cute" said one of the boy, smiling like nothing happen while the other guy gave him a cold gaze, looking from head to toe.

"yah! Kim Junseo, stop flirting" said the guy with his arms still around Hyunsuk.

The other boy walk closer to him with his cold expressionless face.

"you took video?" he ask with his cold stern voice as he stood in front of Hyunsuk.

Oh, Hyunsuk just realized he is holding his phone. But he didn't take video. He was talking with his grandma earlier before he was here. But before he could say anything, his phone was snatch from his hand.

Hyunsuk watch as the other guy scrolling through his phone, searching for any video evidence of him bullying the guy who is now sniffing on the floor. His phone was easy to unlock because Hyunsuk doesn't keep any password. He didn't take any video so he wasn't afraid about that but what scared him is the presence of the guy in front of him, his cold gaze, his aura.

He looked up after searching for the evidence, as he got nothing, he push the phone to Hyunsuk's body "you. whatever you saw just now, better delete it from your tiny brain too. understood?" he spoke with his stern voice.

He was about to leave but stop when he heard Hyunsuk's mumbled "you bullied him."

"what?" the guy ask, turning back looking at Hyunsuk.

With head hanged down, Hyunsuk immediately shook his head when he realized he spoke a little louder that the guy heard him.

"you. If you doesn't want your life to become miserable, you better stay away from me, understood?" he spoke again.

Hyunsuk can only nod his head slowly because he is scared to face the other.

"yah! Jihoon'ah don't scared him. let him be. I'm sure he won't get into your way." said the guy who been wrapping his arms Hyunsuk earlier.

"Hajoon is right. By the terrified look he have, I'm sure this little cutie won't get into your way. Right?" Junseo spoke smiling and patted Hyunsuk's head which caught of guard, Hyunsuk took a step behind to avoid his touch.

Giving his last deadly stare, the guy named Jihoon left with his other two friends following him behind, leaving Hyunsuk starstruck at where he stand.


The next class which started at 3p.m ended smoothly but Hyunsuk's mind was fully occupied with the incident happened earlier.

"nah, I will only get into trouble if I get in his way. Let's avoid crossing path with him." Hyunsuk warned himself as he walk to the nearby bus stop.

He has applied for a part-time and it starts from today. He doesn't want to depend on his grandma for his daily expenses since she been struggling too and his grandma doesn't know about it because he knows his grandma will surely object him working.

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