[ 𝟬𝟬𝟴 ] christmas kids

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🧩 ⌜ when i met you ⌟ ┈─❟

It was Christmas day.

The day of the first great gift exchange for all mankind. It was a momentous occasion and people everywhere were gathered outside in their various forms of celebration. Even in this time of year it was easy to spot the festive spirit as many people were wearing their traditional winter outfits of black or green and even some people sported hats and gloves to match.

"Here." Franzlyn passed her gift towards Hero who took it without any hesitation. She grins at his enthusiasm. The both of them always liked gift-giving.

"Thanks. I wonder what you got me." He said with a warm smile before looking down at the box. Inside was another one wrapped up in brown paper that appeared rather light than heavy due to the wrapping tape. He picked it up and carefully unwrapped it.

In his hand were two more gifts which were also wrapped in brown paper. One was obviously bigger than the other but when he lifted it to see better...

"Oh..." Hero stared wide eyed at the small silver box with a golden heart on top. There was an antique locket with their picture in it. He turned his eyes to Franzlyn. "Where did you get these?! You didn't steal them from someone did you?" He asked while eyeing the package closely.

"No, no of course not!" Francine assured him immediately. She gave him a fond look that made him blush slightly. "They're my present to you! Well, to us actually," she explained with a sheepish expression. "Do you like them?"

"Of course I do!" Hero exclaimed in joy before hugging her tightly. He looked at her with an earnest expression and smiled brightly. "And thank you so much!"

"You're welcome!" Francine laughed brightly. "Are you going to open the next one?"

Hero pulled away from her and nodded. He carefully unwrapped the smallest of the packages and saw a car key attached to a kitty astronaut keychain he got her from a gachapon. He picked it up carefully and examined it carefully.

"So we'll get a car one of these days?" Hero suggested as he inspected it closely.

Franzlyn grins widely. "Well, I have a car now! That's the keys that we will share."

With her announcement, everyone in the room stopped opening their presents to look at her in surprise.

"What?!" Everyone exclaimed in astonishment.

"I got a new car!" Franzlyn exclaimed cheerfully. "Dad got it for me!" Hero chuckled lightly as he admired the car keys in his hand.

"Aw, man. My gift will kinda suck that you gave me such a great one." Hero teased lightly. "Thanks, Franz. I really appreciate it."

"No problem." With a broad grin she ruffled his hair playfully causing him to swat her hands away with a laugh.

"Now, let's see my gift~"

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