[ 𝟬𝟬𝟮 ] us against the world

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🧩 ⌜ when i met you ⌟ ┈─❟

Franzlyn and Hero are a little older now.

It was the age where they could understand the world a little better. Their naiveness almost long gone. They learned to appreciate life more, even if they were still young enough to be confused by it. Theirs was a world that had its own language of color, music, and smells. A world which could never be completely understood, but which was worth knowing at all costs.

They lived in a time of newness.

The whole world was a little bigger, and they had just started to learn about how big that really was. But Franzlyn and Hero still couldn't tell stories well, or remember the right details from what their parents told them when they asked for them.

The whole world seemed like a huge ball of colorful yarn, spinning and twirling and sometimes getting twisted up so badly you wouldn't know if any part of it stayed the same. And then it would start rolling over again, leaving behind only tiny traces on some of the things it had rolled over before. The world kept spinning even if no one cared anymore to pay attention to what it looked like when it stopped. The world was endless and full of possibilities and joy.

And Franzlyn and Hero loved every moment they spent with everything they loved.

In the summertime they liked to play outside under the heat of the sun. In the winter the snow made playing there easier. When it was cold enough, though, sometimes, especially if it got really windy, the two of them would curl up on the couch, watching movies, or listening to music while eating ice cream and making fun of people who didn't realize they were funny.

Or maybe, sometimes, they would play a game, just because it would be nice not to have to think about anything else for once, just to be able to relax. Sometimes Franzlyn and Hero played together, but other times it was always Franzlyn and Hero against the world, just the two of them sitting around doing nothing.

Until their other (new) friends came along.

Kel being the first one to enter their little circle since he was basically Hero's brother, then their neighbors Mari and Sunny, then it was Aubrey, and later on, it would be Basil getting dragged by Aubrey.

The world became quite larger in Lottie's eyes once they entered her life.


Franzlyn knew how charming Hero was.

His smile was so kind and welcoming, the look in his bright hazel eyes so earnest and genuine that it made her heart ache to see him so upset about something that she didn't understand or know anything about.

But the moment he spoke the words, Franzlyn felt like something had changed in the universe between them.

The world suddenly became a little brighter, the colors a bit more vibrant. It was like the sun had finally set, darkening into an orange horizon as it slowly sank from view, leaving Franzlyn with only hints of light at every corner, but for some reason Franzlyn felt like she was seeing better than she ever had before.

There was something different in the way Hero smiled now. He wasn't trying so hard, it seemed. Not just any smile - a real one, the sort that reached all the way to his eyes. When he talked, it was less of a rambling speech and more of a casual statement about whatever came across his mind. And somehow, Franzlyn knew, he thought that she could appreciate what he said even if she didn't quite hear his words right away.

Because Hero was not only kind and patient, but also incredibly observant. He could sense when something bothered her, when she felt uncomfortable with something and needed reassurance. And he did so without fail, always asking questions that were sure to get answers no matter how long they took to get there.

That was why Franzlyn loved being around him. Because Hero saw things that most other people would miss.

He got to know who she was underneath the mask and the smiles. He was the person who found out the secrets that she kept hidden beneath her skin, inside of her heart, and then kept them close and safe until he trusted her enough to share them.

She really loved that about Hero. She loved everything about him.

But sometimes... Sometimes, Hero was too good. Too nice to her. Like this time when he'd been so worried for her that he'd run out on a Saturday night. And now he had come back to make sure she actually ate dinner and slept properly instead of staying up late doing random things.

It was such an adorable sight though, watching him fuss over her that it was almost worth getting scolded.

So, she let him fuss while eating the delicious meal he'd prepared for her.

"You're going to give my mother a run for her money." Franzlyn jokes once she settled down to eat his food. Hero huffs at the comment while sitting down next to her.

They were alone in her home at the moment. Her parents asking Hero to at least 'babysit' their baby (Franzlyn) while they were out on their date night. Who knows what would happen if they leave her alone in house? She would probably starve to death.

Of course, Hero immediately accepts it. It was a chance to hang out with his best friend after all! No offense to the others but he knew Franzlyn the longest out of the group, well except Kel.

(Speaking of Kel, he bidded Hero a goodluck after he left. The older knew what it was about and he had almost chickened out on the spot.)

He could handle being around Franzlyn for a while though. At least long enough to get his mind off... Well anything else that might pop up in his head. Or rather, his imagination. But then again, Francine wouldn't know that much about how he felt...would she?

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Franzlyn asks after noticing the frown on Hero's face when she noticed his silence from beside her. "Is it something I said?" Franzlyn asked tentatively, not wanting to cause any more problems than necessary. Hero shook his head.

"No. Of course not," he responded quickly as he glanced at her, before turning away from her slightly startled expression. "Sorry... I just got distracted by..." He pauses, trying to think of an excuse. "Oh... Um I'm worried about the exam tomorrow... You know since we're both seniors in High School now? Mari was nagging at us to study too." He didn't notice the way Franzlyn's eyes softened at his words.

She couldn't help feeling bad for him. She had been worrying about studying too recently, but she didn't want to admit it. Not until later when it became obvious to everyone else that she did it only because Hero did. She hated studying so much. It made her feel like some kind of burden... Like she should be able to do what everyone else was doing and focus solely on her studies instead.

Which wasn't true.

Even Hero could tell when someone studied a lot or tried to keep things hidden. She couldn't hide everything from him anymore. If anything, she'd gotten used to having him watching her even while she slept or read.

Hero always had one eye open for Franzlyn. His instincts told him that she wasn't happy or healthy. It also didn't hurt to have one more person who believed that she could make something of herself. That he could see her in a different light.

A light that he can finally accept that he likes, no maybe, he loves her.

"It's all right," Franzlyn reassured Hero. She smiled at him reassuringly, hoping that it would be able to ease his worries. "We'll ace this exam tomorrow. Don't worry." Franzlyn reached over and gave his hand a soft squeeze. She squeezed it gently.

"I'll believe you on this, Franz."

And Hero hoped that time that his feelings towards her were reciprocated. After all, they're best friends. Right? She probably knows him better than anyone else. Right?

Hero looked back into her coffee black eyes and smiled softly as he squeezed back. He let go of her hand, allowing a small smile to spread across his lips. He couldn't help his heart skipping a beat every time she smiled at him.

If she liked him back, then everything would be all right in the end.

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