First day of school; chapter 02

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{Cordelia's POV}

(A week later)

I awoke the next morning to find Leonora next to me, still fast asleep. I watch her sleep for a couple minutes before trying to lull her awake. "Lesso~ It's time to get up, we have classes to teach." I said, softly. She groaned before saying, "five more minutes." I chuckle, "Darling. we have to get breakfast and beat the children to class, come on." I said and she groaned and turned the opposite way, facing away from me. "Okay, you asked for it." I said before snatching the blanket off of her ond tickling her sides. She began to laugh,"Ok, O-ok, I'm up, I'm up, please stop it." She says until I stop "come on, we got to eat and classes to teach." I said.

(Small Time Skip)

"Countess, could you be a dear and finish those forms from yesterday for me?" Lesso asked me. "Of course, my dear." I respond before doing as I was told. A few minutes later the first class started. I began to watch Lesso teach and I think 'damn, I've really fallen for this woman. I mean her figure, her smile, her eyes, oh those eyes, her everything. what's not to like about her?'

The first class ended quickly and the second class just begun. I was still lost in thought but her voice soon brought me back from my thoughts. "Every villian has a special talent they can hone into a powerful weapon to defeat their nemesis." She said. "what is a nemesis?" A kid asked.

"Your archenemy. Your story will not end until one of you is destroyed." she explained. "Now, I want you to dazzle me with whatever you think your unique talent is, Hort!" She yelled hitting the desk with her cane making everyone jump.
I chuckled and she continued her sentence. "Your first." And hort replied, "well I've been working on my werewolf powers in hex class. Watch this." He said before grunting and one hair pops up on his chest.
"Well done, hort!" Someone teased. "All right, next time I need a skinny, one haired werewolf, I'll make sur to call you. Sit down." Lesso said, while using her cane to push his down. "Dot?... Please tell me you can do better." She said and after that I began to get to work again until I heard arguing.

  "This is delightful." Lesso said before giggling. "It truly is." I said standing next to her, giggling as well. "Oh! Be careful reader, she's getting close. Use your talents." Lesso said. "I don't know what they are!!" She yelled almost getting mauled by the dragon. " Sophie, your not allowed to kill anyone until after graduation!" Lesso said as the dragon got attacked by Sophie's swarm of bees.

"Call them off!"I yelled. I looked over to lesso and she seemed dazed by something making me look in the direction she was as I had turned to lesso when the bees flew up from the dragon. I turned to see the bees formed into a man. I heard her whisper a name. "oh my god.... Rafal?" I looked at her confused. "You're doing wonderfully.... Sophie." He said before lesso grabbed sophie and dragged her out of the classroom. "Class dismissed." She said while she was dragging her away. I then get up with the class and make my way across the bridge to the school for good.

Meanwhile with leonora~

{Leonora's POV}
I dragged Sophie into a hallway, "who is that, who is rafal?" She asked making me cover her mouth. "Do not say his name again. Not to anyone but me." I said, lowly. "Who is he, and how does he know me?" She asked after I uncovered her mouth. "Shh, He was the school master's brother, he was once the most powerful being in our school. Evil hasn't beaten good since he disappeared. But, somehow, your powers... your powers have drawn his attention." I told her. "I didn't know I had powers. I don't want powers. I want to go-" I cut her off, "oh, stop your whining! What you just did in that classroom is proof that you are exactly where you belong! It's not what we are, it's what we do, Sophie. Now, go. And tell no one." I said letting her go. But, not before stopping her again.

"And, if rafal visits you again, you must tell me, immediately. Go, go." I said, finally letting her run off. I go back to the classroom to find all the students and countess gone, so I went to go find her around the school. I couldn't find her anywhere so just as I was about to go to the school for good, I was told that Sophie was in the doom room for talking to an ever boy.

Leonora's teacher assistant (Leonora lesso x Clarissa Dovey x Adult f!reader) Where stories live. Discover now