Her assistant; chapter 01

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(Everything happens the same way it does in the movie in the conversation between lesso and sophie, but pretend that she doesn't love rafal.)

{Cordelia's POV}

One night, I was walking around the village of MonRia and the sky began to turn a light pink. I looked up and my mouth fell agape and I stood there for a few minutes. I shook my head and kept on walking through the village. The sky soon turned from the light pink to a dark red and I soon found myself infront of the MonRia Forest in which I went into. While walking through the forest, I spotted a wolf and for some reason began to follow it. I followed the wolf deep into the forest and it soon began to pick up speed as did I until I lost the wolf as I was also lost in this huge forest. I soon heard a strange crowing from some bird and it got closer and closer until it grabbed me and began flying in the direction it came from, that is when I got a good look at the bird. It looked as if it were made of bones or sticks."Wth" I whispered to myself. It kept on flying for few minutes until we came upon three buildings. One looked like a princess castle, straight from a fairytale with flowers and doves, which made me greatly nauseous as if I wasn't already. The second tower was dark and cloudy, it looked like a vampire's castle which made me smirk ever so slightly before return to my natural emotionless face. Third was a tower in between the two buildings but, it seemed like there was no way to get to it. The bird began flying me toward the dark castle. It threw me straight onto a balcony and I hit my head on the window before passing out.

{Leonora's POV}

I was getting ready to go to bed in my bathroom when I heard a crash that sounded like it came from my balcony. I jumped and immediately ran out the bathroom and towards the balcony. I opened the curtains and looked out, I didn't see anything, I tried to open the door but, it stopped halfway. I looked dow to see a woman passed out on my balcony. After recovering from shock, I lightly kicked her and she stirred before opening her eyes. I lightly gasped at her emerald eyes. She awoke dazed, looking around confused, before she noticed me. "Where the hell am I and who are you?" She asked. "I am Lady Lesso, Dean of the school for evil and you are on my balcony, Who are you?" I asked the strange beautiful woman. " My name is Cordelia, Cordelia Claudette, now, is your name really "Lady"?" She asked," why is that any of your concern, vermin?" I hissed. " Because." She said smirking as she stood up. "I want to know. Now, is it?" She pushed, sassily. "No, It is not, but you will address me as such. Either that or Lesso." I said, demandingly. "Alright, dear." She said purposely to aggravate me. I rolled my eyes and dyon't give her the satisfaction of my reaction. I grab her wrist and dragged her into my room and to my bed. "Go to sleep, tomorrow we will find out why you are here." I said before going to the bathroom and putting on my pajamas, no longer motivated to take a shower. I'll take it tomorrow. I then go on the other side of the bed and lay down, Cordelia seems to already be asleep and I follow soon after.

{Cordelia's POV}

I awake to find that lesso is nowhere to be seen. "Lesso?!" I quietly shout out. "Finally, your awake, here put that on." She said as she threw an outfit at me. I glared at her before pushing past her going into the bathroom. In which, she scoffed at. I changed and came out of the bathroom.

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Leonora's teacher assistant (Leonora lesso x Clarissa Dovey x Adult f!reader) Where stories live. Discover now