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Jayla woke up to the sound of her alarm clock buzzing loudly.

She groaned and rolled over, rubbing her eyes sleepily. After a few minutes, she sat up and stretched her arms above her head.

She glanced at the clock on her bedside table and realized that she had overslept a little bit. She quickly got out of bed and walked over to her dresser to get dressed.

After she had put on her clothes, she went downstairs to the kitchen to get breakfast. She grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down at the table to eat.

After she had finished her breakfast, she went back upstairs to brush her teeth and do her hair. She checked her phone to make sure she had everything she needed for school, and then headed out the door to walk to school.

 She checked her phone to make sure she had everything she needed for school, and then headed out the door to walk to school

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As she walked to school, Jayla enjoyed the cool morning air. She loved this time of day, when the streets were quiet and the sun was just starting to rise. She listened to her favorite music on her phone and hummed along to the tunes as she walked.

When she arrived at school, Jayla saw ddot, notti, dd and shani waiting for her outside the main entrance. They hugged each other and they walked inside together, and jayla went to her locker to get her books for her first class.

As she walked to her first period class, jayla thought about all the things she had to do that day. She had a quiz in math class, a group project in science, and a history test that she needed to study for.

Jayla settled into her seat in math class and pulled out her notebook. As the teacher began the lesson "yoo wasgood Jay Jay" notti said sitting beside her "wassup notti" she responded dapping him up

Jayla took notes as the math teacher explained how to solve the equations. She had always been good at math, so the lesson was easy for her to follow. After the lesson, the teacher handed out the quiz

Jayla walked to science class with notti and ddot and they all decided to work together

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Jayla walked to science class with notti and ddot and they all decided to work together

In science class, jayla worked with them on their project about the human body. They had to create a model of the circulatory system, and jayla was in charge of making the heart. She carefully cut and glued the pieces of the heart together, and was pleased with how it turned out.

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