They swallowed each other's breathy moans of pleasure and he resettled himself, lowering his body back down, fencing her in with his forearms and cupping the top of her head in his hands.

His need for her was so great; his need to repossess her, love her and fulfil his craving for her was overpowering and he let it take him, striking up a pace that he knew she wouldn't be expecting but would be more than able to handle.

Seb overwhelmed her every sense, she couldn't think of anything else except him; how much she loved him, how wonderful he felt inside her and just how damn good he made her feel.

There was a rough edge to the sex this time; a hardness in the way his hips rutted into her, a possessiveness in the way he kissed her and bit down on her bottom lip and the way he'd fenced her in with his forearms and was holding the top of her head, using her for extra leverage. And she didn't mind it at all, not one bit. In fact she was loving this harder, faster pace and this rougher side to him. It made her feel even more desired and even more in love with him.

This beautiful man was dynamite in bed and she could feel the fuse burning, it's sparks flickering their way up her spine.

They mirrored each others moans of pleasure, breathed through each others lungs as they kissed and moved together like they were perfectly in tune with each other.

Seb's hands were soon roaming her body once more, sweeping over the curve of her waist, squeezing and playing with her breasts and he'd occasionally move just enough to enable him to dip his head and bite her nipples. All the while he'd be moaning out how much he loved her, how beautiful she was and how he knew he'd never be able to live without her.

When he hooked his arm at the back of her knee and opened her up that little bit more, she knew she was done for. There was no stopping the explosive orgasm that soon followed.


It was starting to get late and Seb carefully sat up in bed so he didn't wake up Iris who was sound asleep next to him.

He turned his upper body and looked behind himself to admire her sleeping form, soon she'd have to go back to her own hotel room and back to her dull, dim husband. How much longer would it be before she was his and his alone?

The issue of his retirement decision was still something he was yet to tell her and something that he knew he couldn't put off, he'd have to wake her soon otherwise they'd run out of time.

Hearing her soft but steady breaths and admiring her perfect, serene face he was hit by the urge to capture this moment. Iris really didn't grasp just how beautiful she was and laying in bed next to him, she looked even more so.

Knowing her camera was on the table, near the sofa, he got out of bed as carefully as he could, and quietly went to it, padding along on the soft carpet, finding his boxers along the way and pulling them on.

Picking up her Nikon camera he pressed a button on the top to turn it on, wincing and looking towards the bed as it beeped and made a noise. He didn't want to wake her just yet, there was no way she'd agree to having her photo taken in his bed if she was awake.

He quietly made his way back to the bed. Knowing his way around a camera like her's, he soon had it set up to take a photo in the low light of the room and he smiled softly as he admired her through the little screen on the back of her camera.

Getting her perfectly in shot but without showing too much of her naked flesh, he captured the image of his sleeping angel and spent a moment just staring at the result. From the way her hair was all over the pillow, to the gentle slope of her nose and the soft, scented skin of her neck, she was just.... everything.

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