(9) A working day in London

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Iris stood motionless under the shower, staring at the square, white wall tiles, unblinking. Her tear filled eyes followed the little rivulets of water as they ran down the stark, white surface, following them until they disappeared as if they held all the answers to questions of which she didn't know what they even were.

The warmth of the water was helping a little, her body felt sore from last night's activities with Ben, even between her legs felt sore and it wasn't a good kind of sore, it was a something is fundamentally wrong kind of sore.

She'd tried so hard to feel more, to get lost in the moment and let her body move with his but they could never find each others rhythm. She loved Ben, she really did but the whole sex thing...it just wasn't working, it had never worked and it hurt emotionally as well as physically. Aside from the sex, Ben was perfect and she knew she was lucky to have married her childhood sweetheart and that made it all the more painful, especially when Seb entered her thoughts because she just knew that with him everything would be complete.

She could envisage marriage and children with him, she could see herself barefoot and pregnant in his Swiss home, happy and content.

He'd listen to her.

He'd understand her.

He'd be in sync with her.

He'd caress her, kiss her and chase her pleasure, not stopping until he'd got it.

He'd make her cum.

He'd love her like no other.


It had been arranged that she'd meet Seb, Britta, Mikey and Matt, Aston's chief communications officer, outside a tube station not far from their first stop on todays schedule, Feltham Young Offenders Institution.

The thought of seeing Seb today had made Iris nervous, especially given his odd behaviour towards her on Sunday. Since that morning he'd not even spoken to her and at first she'd put it down to the way his day had gone downhill, she understood that after a bad race he'd not want to speak to anyone but that evening in the nightclub, when he'd made no attempt to speak to her and left barely ten minutes after she'd got there...she couldn't help but feel like she'd done something wrong.

"You're quiet," Ben gave her a nudge, "you alright?"

She looked across at her husband who was trying to balance his mobile phone in one of the gaps in the centre of his steering wheel, "just tired," she replied, letting her head lull back against the head rest.

"We were a bit energetic last night, weren't we," he grinned, thinking back to the awesome sex he'd had last night.

She let her eyes fall closed and hummed her agreement. Yes, it had been energetic and as usual he'd got more enjoyment from it than she had because she always made sure he'd cum. She wished she could say the same about him.

Maybe she should let herself doze off while imagining how good in bed Seb would be.....

"He's here!!" Ben's excited shout made her jump and her eyes popped open to see four people now at the top of a flight of stairs that led down the to the tube station.

Clean shaven Seb looked amazing in a navy and green plaid shirt with a white t-shirt underneath, teamed with a pair of navy shorts, his rucksack slung over one shoulder and with his AirPods in his ears, listening to music. If her heart could sprout a pair of little legs, leap from her chest and run over to him then she was sure it would have done. He looked gorgeous.

"I'll go and say hi before I head to work," Ben was out of the car, eager to meet Seb before Iris could gather her thoughts and as her husband met the man who filled so many of her dreams and thoughts, it felt like her two worlds were colliding.

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