Duplication (02)

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The pig demon slammed his fist down on an order bell and places down a noodle order on the counter, only for MK to scoop it up quickly and trot out of the noodle shop.
"On it!"
You were just about to go after him as he plopped himself into the Tuk-tuk... you were pulled back by Pigsy, who had grabbed your wrist..
You looked at Pigsy nervously as he stayed silent, keeping his head down whilst his hand slowly applied pressure to your wrist. You were just about to utter a pained complaint, until her cut you off.
"No need to go after the kid, Y/N! Here, sir down. Have some noodles, it's on the house!" Pigsy circled around the counter quicker than you could process, pushing you to sit down in one of the stools and immediately shoving a somehow already made bowl of Zha jiang mian.

"Wait- let me pay f-" you were about to grab your wallet when Pigsy shoved his palm flat in front of your face, as a signal to stop what you were doing.
"No need. Unlike some freeloaders, you're welcome to eat here!" Pigsy shot a nasty glare towards Tang, his snout twisting into a snarl as he clasped his hands together... "oo...kay..?" You mumbled.
The sound of the Tuk-tuk finally starting up, MK cheering and the sound of it driving off was enough for you to turn your head towards the noise, mid bite of your noodles as the hot broth steamed up the sides of the bowl and made a small cloud of condensation wafting around calmly.

You turned back to your noodle bowl and shoved a decent helping of the noodles into your mouth, struggling to keep it all in your mouth as you struggled to chew from how much you had shoveled in.
You finally managed to swallow the big heap and sighed softly, relaxing at the warmth the noodles brought you as you ate them, it felt as if you'd melt just by the smell alone from these noodles.
You continued to nitpick every little bit of noodles out that you could before slurping up the broth.
Whilst the bowl obscured your vision, Pigsy was looking at you with a loving smile through half lidded eyes... his elbow resting in the counter and using his hand to prop up his head.
You were right to bask in this moment.. as you were so unprepared to what would happen later in the week.


MK swerved around in the Tuk-tuk, not having much regard for the roads or it's laws. One area after another he would deliver the noodles whilst saying the trademark "Pigsy's Noodles!" To the oh so valued customers..
MK was about to return for another round of orders when Sandy waved at him to come over. MK, not seeing a problem with taking a bit of a break, drove over and put the Tuk-tuk in parallel park.
"MK! Well boy, did you arrive at the right time!" Sandy twirled a paintbrush between his fingers and pointing at MK with it. "Scoop up the brush! We're giving the old girl a fresh coat of paint!"
MK eagerly bounced over with many cheers, grabbing a paint canister and a large paintbrush.

"Yeah! Painting boats is my middle name!" MK clambered onto the boat and began to slather paint all over the place, Sandy tagging along and getting the higher areas so MK could focus on the lower ones.
The two went to stand back from afar and admire the work, the blue paint having a comforting sheen in the clouded sunlight..
The two fist bump and MK heads off for more rounds of noodle orders.


MK turned the handle of his shower and stopped the steaming water. He stepped out of the bathroom and dried his hair, sighing to himself as he patted down his damp follicles.
"Now for eight-to-twelve hours of uninterrupted—" MK was cut off when he noticed the familiar Dragon ancestor digging through his belongings in a rush.
"Mei!-" Mei tossed clothes from his drawer, finding a shirt and chucking it into his face.
"Get up, get up, get up! You, N/N, and I are going out!"

MK couldn't refuse the offer whatsoever... not because Mei was already dragging him to the arcade, but because you were coming with..
He wondered what games you liked, maybe you could beat him at Monkey Mech.
Mei dragged you and MK into the arcade, her hand clasped around yours tightly with an undying refusal to let go.
"Woohoo! Anti-Gravity Arcade, yo!!" Mei began to drag you along to all sorts of games, claw machines, whack-a-mole, and so many more! You were in awe of how many different games they had.

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