Important A/N

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It's come to my attention that people don't seem to understand that in the original scriptures of Journey to the West, Nezha is in fact a child. He is eternally 12 years old; the symbolism of purity and youth.

Someone wanted me to put him as a love interest in the story because Lego Monkie Kid wrongly made Nezha into an adult.

I would like to say that there are many inaccuracies in Lego Monkie Kid. And the person who had written Nezha is a proshipper and tweeted about how "Nezha and Wukong would kiss" despite knowingly and wrongly aging up Nezha for fetish purposes.

I've written lots of dark things before; but I draw the line at people wanting me to write actual child pornography and harmful subjection to minors.

Especially a deity from ancient scriptures that were worshipped heavily in religion - and still are today.

So, no, Nezha is not a love interest.
He's 12.

Once again, the writers of Lego Monkie Kid knowingly put in various inaccuracies as well as purposely one of the writers (also the main writer for s4) made Nezha an adult for fan service purposes.

I'm being very firm on this; don't come into my story that I've worked so hard on and demand me to put in a harmful real life thing. Let alone with a religious figure that's been bent to be an adult because some freaks can't keep it in their pants for less than a god damn minute.

Sorry for all of this but it really needs to be said; the person this A/N was made for, you know who you are.

Despite all the negativity in this A/N - I do have some positive news... I am hoping to get the next chapter out within this week (possibly the weekend if school gets in the way) but I'm gonna do my best for the next chapter to simulate racing—I have no clue what happens in racing nor do I care for it; so bear with me if it's like dry and stuff I'll really do my best for y'all.

Have a great day or night,

(Partial hiatus) ♡ Fate lies within ♡ yandere!LMK x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now