Macaque (09)

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MK hacked away at an old mural of Wukong when he was on his pilgrimage. With a heave of exhaustion, he wiped the sweat from his brow and dropped the hammer he was using to destroy it, but he was only doing very little damage to it as of now. He grumbled and whipped his head towards his mentor, Wukong.

"You know, when I found out I was going to be trained by the Monkey King, Great Sage, Equal to Heaven... I had no idea I'd be stuck here hammering walls 12 hours a day." MK grumbled once again, scrubbing his face and rubbing his eyes. He wiped dusty debris from his face from what came off of the mural he was trying to destroy. "Why am I doing this again?" he asked, kicking the hammer away.

Wukong was munching on yet another bag of Peach Chips like the glutton he was. Through a mouthful of the sweet and salty chip. "Oh, so I can make a nice little breakfast nook, get some light up in here!" the simian said, gesturing to the barely scratched mural which held memories he was careless for.

MK groaned and slumped against the mural with an exasperated sigh, scrubbing his face. "But I'm meant to be Monkie Kid. Not construction boy. How am I supposed to do the hero stuff if I don't know the fighting stuff?!" MK groaned.

Monkey King eyes scorned over to his apprentice, gilded eyes mulling over the pitiful boy. "Oh, so you want to know the "fighting stuff", huh?" Wukong plucked the staff up and flung it towards the mural, hitting the depiction of himself in the right eye, a tunnel through to where a ray of light would leak through. "Like this?"

MK gasped in shock "Huh? woah...", a smile pulling his face as he scrambled to his feet and to the edge of Wukong's nimbus, who was sitting aloof on it. "Yes, exactly like that! I am ready for some awesome!" he cheered happily, throwing his arms up in the air in excitement.

Wukong chuckled and gently shoved MK's eager face away. "Look, bud... you can't rush this stuff. You'll get there, you just need practice." Wukong held back a grin when MK grumbled and pouted.

"But this isn't practice!" MK groaned, gestured all around him, especially towards the mural that now had a puncture through it.

Wukong mocked MK's groan, rolling over onto his stomach on the nimbus. "I'm never going to teach you something you don't need to know." MK huffed angrily in response. "Okay. Now, this priceless, ancient mural is not going to destroy itself. So, remember, step into the strike." Wukong said, laying on his back and watching MK do his thing.

MK flinched when his phone rung. He fished his phone out of his pocket and squinted at the named number, it was Mei. He pressed the "accept call" button and he saw Mei shakily holding the phone and angling it to show a monster destroying the city in the background.

"MK, we really need your help!" She said, stress evident in her voice, while you were in the background trying the whack at the tendrils.

MK held his phone close to his chest, peering over to Wukong smugly. "A monster attacking the city? That's terrible. Dang... guess I got to go do some boring hero stuff instead of this. Okay, bye!" MK quickly zipped off.

 Okay, bye!" MK quickly zipped off

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