Late night thoughts #8

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When I look at you I see my freedom and my doom. The smell of the forest, the sound of hoofbeats on a well-traveled road, the feeling of peace and calm washing over me like waves lapping up on a rocky shore. I see my freedom because, just being around you makes me forget about the struggles, the stress, the outside world, hell, even the person I love most. I see my doom because you are twice my size, you have a mind of your own, you could kill me without a second thought. And yet..... still I trust you with my life, its either my worst mistake or my best decision. There's just something about you, its like you play on repeat in my head. I couldn't forget you, ever. You're like my first love, I'd leave everything for you, but you're gone.... Never to return, doomed to the fates making the wrong decision or blessed to stay at the rainbow bridge forever, or, at least till I pass on and join you there.

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