Late night thoughts #11

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I love the feelings that music can give you, it can make you feel as though you're a hawk mighty and free, effortlessly gliding through the wind with sand coloured wings. But music can also make you feel so heavy, like you just lost someone close to you and you can't convey theses emotions that you have so you turn to melodies and ballads in hopes that they can speak for you.

It is my belief that wordless music speaks to your soul, it could be that one guitar solo that when you hear it you can't help but feel free or the sad piano and violin that make you wish to wail as though you were once again an infant.

Someone I loved once, very dearly told me to use music as my rock, it's always there for you unlike people. It can be there for you when they can't.

Can you imagine, a world without music?

I bet you can't

Because I can't either, for a world without the melodic notes of release.

Would be hell

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