Chapter 27: Get a Clue

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"You just wanted to help?" Onlakk squinted at him and then lowered the can of verbena to his belt, "say that again, and look me in the eyes."

"I ... okay," Adam looked him in the eyes and heard Camilla's sharp intake of breath. He felt a violent shiver run up and down his spine as he became transfixed by Onlakk's unwavering gaze. It was like looking into two deep, dark wells that demanded him to tell them everything he knew, to divulge his darkest secrets with the willingness and naivety of a newborn. He felt his heart slow to a crawl as he looked into those dark pits and he opened his mouth, "we just want to help find her."

Onlakk regarded him thoughtfully for a few moments. He grunted and holstered his weapon, "come with me."

He grabbed them roughly by their arms and wheeled them through the cubicles, past the front reception area, and to the doors. He nodded at the guards on duty and barked something in another language at a werewolf standing by a side door. The LCIT guard shot him a quizzical look and then shrugged, opening the door without a word.

Onlakk let go and pointed at the open door, "go. Don't let me catch you anywhere near this place again. If anyone asks you, we never spoke, and I never saw you two here, understood?"

"Understood," Adam nodded, relief filling his chest, "thank you, Onlakk."

"Be careful, Mr. Peaks. Diving into the affairs of powerful people is likely to get us all killed. Now get out of here!" Onlakk shook his shaggy head and slammed the side door closed, leaving them alone in an alley.

"Oh my God, can you believe that he just let us go?!" Adam laughed, his anxiety abating for a moment.

"Yes, I can," Camilla nodded, "are you aware that he was reading your mind?"

"... excuse me?"

"You looked into his eyes, New Blood," Camilla rubbed her temple in annoyance, "werewolves are apex predators, like the Undying. They may not be able to perform magic, but they are powerful nonetheless. How do you think they held their own in the wars against our kind, through being big, tough dogs? To look into the eyes of a werewolf is to give yourself over to their will. They can paralyse you, sense your intentions, read your surface thoughts and emotions, and even go as far as to command your actions like a puppet-master," she grinned, "you're an idiot but, lucky for you, you're an honest idiot, and this Onlakk appears to be a man of honour. You told him you were trying to help while your mind was open to him and he sensed that you meant no harm, so he released us. You continue to mildly impress me from time to time, New Blood."

His heart skipped a beat, "th-thank you-"

"Quiet. We must get back to the car right away. Come along."


"Hey guys, how'd it go?!" Jake shouted from the clockwork car as he spied them coming down the street. He and Naomi shared a nervous glance and waited for Adam and Camilla to rejoin them.

"We got it," Adam grinned, "there were a whole bunch of files and reports about the missing Undying, and get this: the LCIT think that it's the serial killer Viduus that's been kidnapping people, not the Beast and-"

"They are making assumptions, based on the similarities between his murders and the current missing cases," Camilla interrupted, "and they have a suspect, though it is my belief that they are jumping to conclusions rather haphazardly. This Beast that attacked you and Jakob is the most likely culprit, and not the Undying they say is using it as a cover."

"Who are they looking at?" Jake asked.

"Adrian Chopkith," Adam replied solemnly, "it's all on the floppy disc, but the LCIT thinks that he's been kidnapping people who've opposed or wronged him and the Senna party, and pinning the disappearances on the Beast and werewolves!"

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