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"Momma I want to be a singer."

After finding me and Michael asleep she wakes us up to reveal the career choice.
"Sweetie your only 16 and still in high school don't you think you should I don't know wait until after college?"

Michael was desperate to have her wait until she at least was done with school but he shouldn't have even mentioned college.
In her head, I could see the wheels turning and it wasn't a good turn it was a smother your father in his sleep turn.

"What your father is saying is that he doesn't want you to become what he was as a child right honey?" I nudged him and immediately agreed with me.

"I'll have to prove it to both of you of course that's what's going on I have to call my friends I'll make a band thanks, guys!"

Before we could speak our little girl of 16 years runs down the stairs to the phone and dialed her friend's numbers. There was no way to stop her now she was dead set on this.

"Good job Rori you've officially made a career girl! How do you feel?"

Michael sarcastically says helping me up from our little cuddle spot.

"I feel disconnected from her! First Lou now this! I blame you!"

I glared at the not-so-innocent husband as he looks up smiling.  "If you had never said it's fine I have protection on in Argentina this would never have happened!"

Memories of our honeymoon on the coast of Argentine. He looks at me regardless if I was angry with him or not.

Later that night:

We got invited to Lori's first gig and of course, we were both nervous our stomachs dancing with anxiety as me and Mike watched her go up on the stage with her make-up band called "Ecstasy". 
The owner came onto the small pine stage announcing to the audience there was a new band in town. In a corner of my eye, I see Lou walk into the joint and seated himself near the stage where he could get a good view of the band.

Lori: For our first song a homage to Roadhouse! Double deuce we give you a song by The Jeff Healey Band!

Lori:"Look out across the fields, see me returning
Smoke is in your eyes, you draw a smile
From the fireplace where my letters to you are burning
You've had time to think about it for a while
Well, I've walked two hundred miles, look me over
Its the end of the chase and the moon is high
It won't matter who loves who
You'll love me or I'll love you
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling from the sky
I can see through your walls and I know you're hurting
Sorrow covers you up like a cape
Only yesterday I know that you've been flirting
With disaster you somehow managed to escape
Well, I can't provide for you no easy answers
Who are you that I should have to lie
You'll know all about it, love
It'll fit you like a glove
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling from the sky
I can hear your trembling heart beat like a river
You must have been protecting someone last time I called
I've never asked you for nothing that you couldn't deliver
I've never asked to set yourself up for a fall
I saw thousands who could have overcome the darkness
For the love of a lousy buck, I've watched them die
Stick around, baby, we're not through
Don't look for me, I'll see you
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling from the sky
In your teardrops, I can see my own reflection
It was on the northern border of Texas where I crossed the line
I don't want to be a fool starving for affection
I don't want to drown in someone else's wine
For all eternity I think I will remember
That icy wind that's howling in your eye
You will seek me and you'll find
Me in the wasteland of your mind
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling from the sky
Well, I sent you my feelings in a letter
But you were gambling for support
This time tomorrow I'll know you better
Where my memory is not so short
This time I'm asking for freedom
Freedom from a world which you deny
And you'll give it to me now
I'll take it anyhow
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling
When the night comes falling from the sky."

His Wife (3/3 the final sequel to remember my journey)Where stories live. Discover now