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I hold him in my arms wondering how I'm gonna explain this to Mike.

"Lou I'm sorry I'm just upset. This wasn't supposed to happen especially since I have a 16-year-old, 11-year-old, and a 2-year-old, and now with this, I just don't know...know what to do?"

I sit down terrified of how Michael will react to this news. Will he ask for a divorce or maybe go back to his ex taking the kids with him? God, I needed a drink.

"Rori I need to give you something before you leave." He gets up and heads to the bookshelf which contained the following items: a picture of me and him in the 80s when we were still engaged, a notebook with a collection of poems, and a wedding invitation from when I and Mike got married.

He comes back over with a tiny notebook that couldn't have been a couple of years old. "Here I think you might need this if you still wanna be a singer." I take the book examining the hard dusty cover that held the life of a soon-to-be Mrs. Phillips.

"Holy shit! I thought you burned this thing after I ended the engagement?" Surprised sure I haven't seen this thing since 1988 oh the songs I've written are carved in those odd 100 pages.

"Well I better get going Mike is probably in his studio writing a song called she left and is never coming back." I retreat to the door kiss Lou goodbye and head home already having second thoughts about this.

The radio plays bands that even I remember from my childhood like, Kiss and the Monkees, Vanhalen and Areosmith oh how my mother would scowl when the song Valerie came on.

She would always turn the channel to the country channel where Dolly would play or if you got lucky Loretta Lynn. I turn the channel to hear Valerie by the Monkees play and decided to keep it on and sing with it. 

"Valleri I love my Valleri
There's a girl I know who makes me feel so good
And I wouldn't live without her, even if I could
They call her Valleri
I love my Valleri

Oh yeah, come on

She's the same little girl who used to hang around my door
But she sure looks different than the way she looked before
I call her Valleri
I love my Valleri

Valleri I love my Valleri
I love my Valleri
I need ya, Valleri."

Tears fell from my eyes now I know why she hated this song it talked more about this girl Valerie and never about anything else and dad left me for her and boar a child with her. 
After the 45 minute drive I arrived home to see Mike passed out on the couch the girls snuggled up to him and Alex in the crook of his arms.

"Cariño, estoy en casa desde lous, sé que dije farmacia, pero me di cuenta de que estaba en lous house. (Babe Im home from lous i know i said pharmacy but I realized it was at lous house.)"

He slightly wakes up and just smiles at me. "I know honey it's ok whatcha got in your hand?"

He said in a hushed voice trying not to wake the kids.

"Oh just an old song book from when I was younger maybe Lorraine would like it?" I look at Mike guilt pours through my eyes.

"Yeah maybe she did say something about becoming a singer like you when you were younger. Honey I know about what Lou and you did and I'm happy to watch you go through pregnancy again even though it's not mine."

He pats my hand as if to say your not evil just human.

His Wife (3/3 the final sequel to remember my journey)Where stories live. Discover now