First Week/Monday

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Laying in bed, awake. I was frozen. I just had the most amazing, exquisite, exciting dream that I could ever have, and my alarm just had to wake me up. It was one of those dreams where your crush confesses their undying love for you. But, you know, I have the same dreams every night but with a different story line. So I'm pretty used to it.

Anyways, today is my first day in high school. I'm still half-way asleep since I stayed up late thinking about the boy I like.

I barely got out of bed and put on my uniform. I brushed my dark brown hair in front of my face to hide my eyes. When I was younger, the girls in my class would make fun of them. They would say that my girly eyes didn't suit my tall and thin body.

I ate my delicious breakfast made by my sweet mom and walked out the door to my crush standing there.

"Good morning Tamiko!" He said with a glowing smile that shined ever so brightly, along with his golden blond hair glowing like the sun. All I could think about was how beautiful he looked.

I replied,"Morning, Kenji." With an exhausted look with a hint of blush. He patted me on the back and said,"Come on, it's the first day of high school, it will be a blast!" My face was steaming up like a hot kettle, I'm always weak to his touch.

We continued walking all the way to school and soon arrived at home room. As I looked at the seating chart, I noticed that my seat was right in front of his and the thought of him made me nervous. Then suddenly, the bell rang. Ding! Ding! The teacher walked into class and began to go over the procedures.

I was zooming of into space and almost fell asleep until Kenji tapped my shoulder. I turned to him, having a huge grin on his face. I looked at him and my face started to get red, I then zipped my face back to the board and was frozen. I for sure, never dozed off again in that class period.

The other classes started to zoom by faster since all we just had to listen to classroom procedures and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

I walked to one of the benches outside that was right next to a pretty cherry blossom. Kenji soon appeared out of nowhere and sat down along with me. We both opened our bento boxes, his caught my eyes. There were cute bunny shaped apples along with panda shaped rice balls. It was adorable and it looked so yummy..

"Want one?" Kenji asked. I shook my head even though he knew that wasn't the truth.

"Hey look, there's a pretty butterfly over there!" He grinned.

I turned to the direction he was pointing at and then he stuffed my mouth with one of the rice ball pandas. My heart started to pitter patter and my face was red, of course.. I know for sure he loves to tease me. But... why though?

That question was stuck in my head until I arrived at home that day. I soon brushed it off and went to bed and dreamed about Kenji once again.

 I soon brushed it off and went to bed and dreamed about Kenji once again

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First Year of High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now