Week 6/Sunday

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Fukumoto's POV

Today is Sunday, the best day to go visit the manga store. I just finished the last volume of my favorite manga called, The Invisible. It's about a disease that turns people invisible.

I looked around, there were mostly genres that I didn't. I grabbed a shoujo manga instead and left. As I was leaving, I was grabbed by my arm! I turned to see my old "friends" from junior high. They used to spread rumors about me in school and control me.

"So stylish, are we??" They laughed at me.

I was wearing a hoodie and shorts. They then looked at their phones.

"Hey you should totally give us your number..we should definitely catch up!" They said in a sarcastic voice.

"Sure.." I giggled and gave them my older brother's number.

They then started calling the phone number! My heart started to pump real fast... They then looked at me with a blank face. They then grabbed me and took me into a small black valley.

"Listen missy.. Why didn't you just give us your number...?

I looked at them and then looked down at my feet. I was scared.. I didn't want to get beat up, but I knew I would be.

One of the girls in blond hair grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground. My knees then scraped across the pavement! It hurt so bad.. The other girl then brought back her fist for a punch!

SMACK! Someone's hand then grabbed a hold of hers before it barely hit me! I couldn't tell who it was.. They had a black hoodie on and jeans. Before the blond girl could react, they grabbed a hold of both of the girls arms and slammed them against the brick wall.

"Scram! Or else you'll become scrambled eggs!" They threatened.

Both of the girls then sprinted away from us. The stranger then ran away. I couldn't walk, so I began to crawl. Then suddenly.. The stranger came back and started to patch up my knees. They walked away after I was healed, and I couldn't ask for their name..

Five Hours later,

I was laying in my bed until I suddenly got a message from Tamaki? Well that's a first! I giggled.

"Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to meet up at the cafe later!"

"That sounds perfect! (◕▿◕)" I replied.

"Wait.. who's going to be there?" I questioned.

"Oh! A club leader from school."

"Okay I will be there! But what time?" I asked.

"Around 3:30." Tamiko answered.

"Okay! See you there!" I then logged off.

30 Minutes later

I went and put on some nice clothes since we were going to a cafe. I then walked to the cafe that we had discussed about.

"Hey Tamiko!!" I jumped with excitement.

"Where's the club leader you were talking about?" I asked.

"Oh they're going to be here in around five minutes so let's just go inside and find a seat." Tamiko replied.

We walked into the cafe and there were many cats! I had no idea that we would be going to a cat cafe. There were so many adorable kittens and cats I just..just.. Loved it!

We found a seat and waited.

"Sorry for the wait.." A low voice creeped behind me.

It was Ando Kun?!! I didn't know that she would invite him! I'm surprised he even came..

He took a seat and we all then ordered.

"What could I get you all?" the waiter asked.

"I would like a slice of roll cake please.." Tamiko nervously said.

"I um.. I want the Strawberry Sando please." I replied.

"I would just like a glass of water please." Ando stated.

The waiter came back with our orders and bowed. Tamiko and I ate our desserts while Ando drank his plain water.

"How does the water taste?" I joked.

"Pretty good actually." He said with a straight face.

It then became a little awkward, then suddenly, something caught my eye..

"What's wrong with your hand?" I questioned.

"You don't remember? You dummy.." He mumbled.

I then tried to remember. Wait, that was him back then? I thought.

"You were the one stranger that saved me?!" I said with a concerned voice.

"You could've handled those girls you know. They weren't that strong." He laughed.

"Well.. there's a reason why.." I whispered with a sad look on my face.

"Well since we're done with our meals!.. I gotta go and make lunch.. Bye!" I ran off.

Ando's POV

"Wait, didn't we just eat lunch?" I said confused.

"Umm.. I know right.. But, she didn't seem to be feeling good. Anyways, what happened earlier-" she was cut off.

I left the cafe and started to run towards Fuku. I finally caught up and tapped her shoulder.


Tears were dropping from her face. I was surprised and wiped her face off with my handkerchief. Her face looked so..sad. Was it because her knee was hurting..did I say something that hurt her feelings..? I tried to think of anything that might've hurt her..

She looked up at me and gave me a glare. She started to walk away; I grabbed her arm making her stay in place.

"Why are you crying..?" I asked with a worried expression.

"It's your fault.." she mumbled.

"What did I do to hurt you..?" I said with a confused look.

"You made fun of me for being.. Weak.. you don't even know why I'm scared of those girls from earlier.." she spoke.

"Well then why then?" I asked.

"They used to control me, whatever I did was directed from them.. If I acted out of place, they would go off on me..not only that..they still consider themselves to be my "friends".." She said while sobbing.

I hugged her. She then became silent; I could feel her heartbeat rising.

Fukumoto's POV

He suddenly hugged me.. I could feel the heat rising in my face. I pushed him away after a long ten seconds. I looked up at him and my vision started to change. He looked like a prince?! His long black hair glowed in the sunlight; his dark brown eyes glistened too. His nice outfit topped it off. I knew it. I was still in love with him...

I soon chickened out and sprinted home.

I soon chickened out and sprinted home

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