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*Another update in under 24 hours?? You can thank @bxlle02 for convincing me to post this earlier than I intended to. I apologize for leaving you on that cliffhanger back there, but I can't make any promises that it won't happen again hehe :))*

You've done everything to fall in love
I know what you're running from
Kisses like these are few and far between
Now we're so close yet so far away
I'm breaking down the distance
With every move, with every touch
You're wearing down my resistance
-Chaka Khan-

TW: Very explicit mentions of blood, wounds, and animal abuse


At first there was darkness.

Then I felt a spike of pain on my arm and I winced.

"Sorry." Nina's voice swam into my ears.

I tried opening my eyes but the bright flashes of the room only made my head hurt more. I tried to sit up but it felt like my limbs weren't answering. I was laying on a very hard surface.

"Shhh sit back right now." Nina hushed me. "You're going to make it worse."

I listened to her and stopped struggling. But as I grew more and more awake, the pain of my injuries started seeping into me. I groaned, shifting my arm a little.

"I know it hurts." Nina whispered. "I'm trying my best." She assured me.

"Kaz..." I mumbled, trying to form a sentence.

"Is a foolish man who's going to get us all killed." Nina huffed. "You're lucky to be alive."

"Inej..." I started.

"Is fine." Nina replied. "So is Jesper, Wylan, and me thank you for asking." She added.

I opened my eyes again and this time I could see Nina sitting beside me. She was tending to the wound on my leg, finishing the stitches.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Black Veil, the cemetery." Nina answered. "A small space, but well hidden."

A cemetery of course, that's where Kaz had told us to meet. It would explain the rock hard surface I was laying on. Probably some kind of above ground tomb. And it was a small space indeed because I could hear all of them talking in the next room.

"Pekka made a move on more than just the Crow Club while we were away. He bought out all of Fifth Harbor." I heard Kaz's voice.

"Y/N took some serious damage." Inej's voice was raised.

"The novice nearly lost his head and the Heartrender took a bullet, but no worries. At least you're on top of Pekka's corporate holdings." Jesper's voice was also loud. I could tell he was angry.

"You don't take down a lion by cutting off his tail." Kaz defended.

"You've been on safari when?" Jesper joked, but his tone was harsh and serious.

"This bickering is ridiculous." Nina finished sewing and wiped my wound of the blood. "I'm going out there." She then stood up and walked over to the other room

"We're putting our lives on the line-" Jesper started.

"I thought you preferred it that way." Kaz snapped.

Nina disappeared from my view and the minute she entered the room, it all went quiet.

"Is Y/N gonna be okay?" Kaz spoke up.

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