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It's probably all the lies that you fed me
Why were you with him?
it's cause you're scared to be alone
Told me it was nothing,
but i saw it on your phone

- Y/N -

"Where are we staying for the night." I asked stifling a yawn. 

It had been more than an eventful day. The adrenaline rush was slowly dwindling, leaving me tired and yearning for sleep.

"We don't leave this building unless I say so." Kaz said. 

"You want us to sleep here?" Jesper looked around. "Where are the beds?"

"I have uh... blankets?" Wylan offered, walking over to a cupboard. 

"Yeah, no thank you. I have lodgings, and I'm not wanted for murder." Nina looked at all of us. "Sleep well." She gave a quick smile and turned around to leave. 

Jesper walked up to where Wylan was standing and angrily took a blanket from his hand. Inej did the same, taking one from the cupboard. Wylan picked his own and so did Kaz. They were all settling in and laying down when I walked over to the cupboard and looked around.

"I cannot believe this." I whispered to myself.

There was no blankets left. 

I looked back to see Kaz meet my eye, assessing my situation. I looked around to the others already closing their eyes and drifting off. 

I walked over to where Kaz was, sitting down a few feet away.

"I don't need one." I assured him. "My coat will be enough." 

"Nonsense." Kaz pushed the blanket in my direction. "My coat is better than yours."

"It's okay Kaz. I don't need anything from you." My tone revealed the double meaning of those words. 

I started to lay down on the ground, my back to him. I was still upset with him for what he had done. I was frustrated, cold, and annoyed. I just wanted to sleep.


"I'm tired." I interrupted. 

He paused, and I knew he wanted to say something, but then he decided against it. I heard him shuffle and get into a position to sleep. I myself closed my eyes and, though I was tired and sleepy, the cold kept me awake.

I lay there for around twenty minutes, curled up in a ball, trying to conserve heat, when sleep finally came. But right as I delved into the darkness of my dreams, I felt something move beside me. Then I felt something on top of me. It blocked the cold air and I instantly felt warmer. I glanced back to see Kaz turned away, sleeping, still a few feet away from me

But half his blanket was on top of mine.


I shifted to the other side and my back hurt as I switched my sleeping position. Peering my eyes open showed me that it was now morning, even though it felt like I hadn't slept a wink. I sighed and let my mind wander to our situation

Wylan had been kind to offer the floor space of his warehouse but the concrete ground had been horrible to sleep on. As if my thoughts weren't enough to keep me up, the cold hard floor pressing into my bones was enough to leave me sleep deprived. 

The Bastard of the Barrel {Kaz Brekker X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now