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"Ok. when I said I would love to talk to Wally this is not what I meant"

"I'm not a big fan of sticks up my ass"

"Your new name is Stink Stink"



Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Sitting up your chair, breathing  heavily and sweating heavily, you turn to look at you currently still on computer. " Holy fucking shit" staring wide eyed at the computer." shit I should not have gotten hyper fixated on a horror arg." Looking at the computer that has a black glow on the screen and checking the time "2:32AM, fuck," Spinning in your chair thinking what you should do cause like hell your going back to sleep.

Looking back at the black screen you wake your screen and go back to the last tab you had open. In the white page bright colors were littered everywhere  but the most noticeable where 'WELCOME HOME '  

You had, maybe, did little research and exploring(a fuck tone) the arg and the fandom cause who doesn't like a new hyper fixation. Honestly you don't remember falling asleep but you just decided to blame it on the hours of staying up and looking into Welcome Home and exhausted yourself.

Deciding to go to tumblr like any body would out of boredom, clicked one another tab, only for it to appear black. " You gotta be fucking kidding me. Shitty ass wifi" you grumbled while waiting for the screen to load.  

Instead of waiting like a sane person you just decided to try to close your tabs but everything was frozen black. Starting to stress out thinking you broke your computer you decided to just turn if off for it's safety cause god knows what you would do cause your lazy ass can't be patient. But everything likes to fuck you over, you know where this is going ;)

While trying to turn off the computer your computer flashes white, covering your eyes and grumbling " damn now my computer is trying to blind me , if you don't like me just say so bitch" rolling your eyes you look at the computer screen ,now grey and glitching, saying 'WELCOME HOME'. " na fuck that I'm not falling for that horror bullshit , I've read to many fanfics" saying that proudly made you internally cringe while getting up and closing the computer you get a weird ass feeling. Turning around you look thought your room but obviously don't find anything and being the pussy you are just turn off your lamp and hide under your covers cause aw hell no.

Slowly falling asleep you still can't shake the feeling of being watched but you don't care too much as sleep consumes you.



<Reader's P.O.V?>

Feeling a slight breeze wake up you try grabbing for your covers but only feel grass. Grass?

Groggily opening your eyes your stare at the trees before bolting up look and see a brightly colored forest " What in holy fuck farts" scrambling up, slightly dizzy from getting up so fast, you start freaking out like any normal person in this situation. "nope, nope, nope I will be one of those bitches calling for my mommy cause this is NOT normal" you rant while pacing in circles, flapping your hands, on the verge on tears and trying to calm your self the same time. " Alrighty" clapping your hands together "just need to look at where I'm at and figure where to go" smiling and looking around, your smile drops when you realize its literally just a fuck ton of brightly colored tree everywhere.

Combing your (s/c) hand threw your tangled (h/t) hair " shit" you mumbled while sitting roughly on the ground and wincing at the scratches you hadn't noticed. " Stupid trees, stupid branches, stupid bu-" cutting your grumbling off you sigh " where do I go from here, this doesn't make any fucking sense." You don't know how long you sat there thinking and having a mental break down about what to do but by the time you snapped out of it it was night. " Ok, ok, I can do this, probably, if I don't get mauled first." Getting up and pumping yourself up you start walking in a random direction hoping for the best even though you can't see shit.

After what felt like hours of walking you spotted brightly colored houses, walking faster to the small neighborhood and ready to get the fuck out of here. Stopping, and staring at the houses for a solid 5 minutes, recognizing the houses. Absolute dread starts to build up in you.

"What in the fucking muppet show bullshit?"



Yo! This is the first fanfic I've ever written and I got hyper fixated on Welcome Home so decided why the fuck not :D 

Sorry if it starts slow in the beginning but it picks up its pace later on:3

(s/c)=skin color

(h/t)=hair type

(h/c)=hair color

822 words :3

[Welcome Home Y/N] Welcome Home various X reader [HAITUS]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ