Meeting A God?!

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Steve's heart pounded in his chest as he stared up at the colossal titan, his mind racing with fear and confusion. He was frozen in place, his body trembling as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

As he looked around, his terror only grew. One by one, eyes began to open in the white space around him, staring down at him like a thousand silent observers. What had once appeared to be an infinite void now looked like a dome filled with white, unblinking eyes and a titan in the center of it.

Steve felt like he was going to be swallowed whole by the strange, surreal world around him. He had never experienced anything like this before, and he didn't know what to do.

"Is this real?" he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the sound of his own heartbeat. "Am I really here?"

The eyes continued to watch him, unblinking and unfeeling. Steve felt a sense of dread wash over him as he realized that he was completely alone in this strange, otherworldly place.

Summoning all the courage he could muster, Steve stood his ground and stared down the colossal titan. The two of them locked eyes in a tense staring contest that seemed to stretch on for an eternity.

As the minutes ticked by, Steve felt his resolve starting to falter. He couldn't keep up this intense stare forever, and he knew it. But the titan continued to gaze at him with unblinking eyes, like a silent sentinel being.

Suddenly, Steve's thoughts were interrupted by a strange realization. "Wait a minute...white eyes?" he thought to himself. "Are they zombies?"

But as he looked closer, he realized that the eyes weren't muddy or discolored, but pure white. "Byakugan?" Steve wondered aloud. "Have I really reincarnated into the Naruto world?"

But as he looked around at the empty white space and the towering titan, Steve realized that this didn't look like any part of the Naruto world that he was familiar with.

The Colossal titan finally broke the silence and spoke. "What are you?" it asked in a deep, but calm voice. Steve was taken aback by the question, especially since it had phrased it as "what" instead of "who."

Gathering his wits, Steve introduced himself. "I am Steve, a human being from Earth, a blue planet," he said, trying to sound confident despite his confusion.

But the Colossal titan didn't seem impressed. "No, you are not," it said calmly. "You are a soul."

Steve was taken aback by this revelation. He had a sudden realization that he had actually died and was now in some sort of afterlife or spiritual realm. He had forgotten all about his death, which had apparently happened just moments ago under the watchful gaze of the titan.

Feeling awkward and embarrassed, Steve stammered out a reply. "Ah, you're right...I died. I actually forgot for a moment," he said, with one hand scratching the back of his head. He couldn't believe that he was actually having a conversation with a giant titan in some sort of spiritual realm. It was all so surreal and bizarre.

Steve was filled with curiosity and asked the Colossal titan, "Who are you?"

The titan continued to stare at him for a moment before finally answering, "I am Otsutsuki God!"

Steve's mind immediately thought about Kaguya Otutsuki, the final villain in the Naruto anime and manga. He realized that he must have somehow ended up in the Naruto world. Despite having watched the anime and read the manga multiple times, he was still confused about where exactly he was......

"Wait!!!! I reincarnated in the Naruto world?" Steve shocked at the revelation asked the titan, hoping for some clarification.

The Colossal titan simply gazed at him with its white eyes, giving no indication either way. Steve sighed, realizing that he was still very much in the dark about his current situation.

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