"You have made all of my dreams come true." He whispered; his face still close to hers so he could steal the occasional kiss. Sigyn just stared up at him, he was more beautiful than all of the stars in the sky. Her fearless husband who would kill for her. Who had killed for her. Their child was lucky to call him their father.

"I never dreamed of love. Nor thought I would ever have it. And then you came along. I wont pretend I loved you since the beginning but once I knew the real you, I was yours." Her fingertips lightly grazed his left cheek. She was sure that the older he got, the more attractive he became. "You have given me a family. I shall give you the world in return."

His smile grew, just listening to her words. His head lowering again, kissing her softly and when her teeth nibbled at his lower lip, he could already feel the heat in his gut fight against him. The things he could do to her, out here in the open. The images flashing through his thoughts and he had already grown hard against her thigh. There was a soft giggle from her lips, her left hand now tugging at his hair so her lips could claim his neck. She had discovered this was one of his favourite places to be kissed, quite quickly on.

"You're insatiable." He groaned out, her tongue and lips massaging his skin and sending a shiver of pleasure through his body.

"I cannot help myself. I just look at you and I want to rip all of your clothes off." He smirked softly, moving to his knees before her so she couldn't reach his neck anymore. She moved to lean on her elbows so she could still watch him, but her bump was in the way. Both of his hands cupping her swollen belly, he placed a gentle kiss against her.

"I have a feeling you will always be swollen with my child at this rate." She smiled at the thought. Having a home full of children. His children. Maybe she could put down the sword, after all.

"We will need a bigger home." She joked, her fingertips trailing down his arms as she just enjoyed being close to him. The warmth from his body keeping the chill away.

"When we reclaim Bebbanburg, I am sure Uhtred will let us have one of the biggest homes." He kissed her forehead gently, moving to sit up properly so she could rest her head on his lap and watch the stars. But just as she moved his eyes widened in fear at how quickly her hands went to her belly. "What is it?"

She felt the wetness between her legs, terrified to check because of the thought of what happened last time. "I'm, I'm not sure." Her words barely a whisper, her anxiety hitting a new high as she finally dared to reach beneath her skirts. When her hand came out clean, she realised what was happening. But she didn't want to worry him. "We need to return home. The babe is coming."

Sihtric was already panicked. He didn't do well in these conditions, and she knew it. He managed to help pull her to her feet and she had to cup his face to ground him. Without having to say words to calm him, her forehead against his was all that he needed. A few deep breaths later and he was helping her walk back to their home. "When I get you back, I'll run and get Uhtred. He can fetch everything we need. Finan and Osferth will want to be around too."

She simply nodded, not wanting to let onto the fact that she was in pain. This was her family. Of course, they would want to be there. She was just praying to the Gods that everything went alright. And that her child would survive.

"Just don't leave me too long." She pleaded and already he was holding onto her for support. He would be back before she noticed his absence.

He kicked open his door, his hands too busy holding onto her and as soon as they were inside she was gripping onto the wall by their bedroom. He gave her a quick kiss and ran from the house. She gripped tightly onto the raised bed frame, her knuckles turning white as she groaned out as another wave of excruciating pain hit.

She didn't move from the end of the bed, gripping onto the wooden frame to chase some kind of relief. She heard heavy boots behind her and reached for her dagger but when she heard his laugh she breathed out in relief. Of course, Finan and Osferth would be the first ones to return.

"Would you like some water, my lady?" Osferth asked politely and may the Gods bless him. But that was the last thing on her mind right now. Her eyes must have given him a murderous glare. "Or not." He smiled innocently and she rolled her eyes. Sihtric better hurry up.

"First things first, we need to get this off you." Finan spoke softly, helping remove the furs from her shoulders as he noticed a light sweat already appearing against her skin. "I assume you have something on beneath your dress?"

"What? Of course, I do! I am not one of your whores." She snarled out, taking her frustrations out on him. Unfairly. But Finan was a good sport and took all of the abuse.

"Good. This will not be embarrassing for me and Osferth, then." He grinned and before she could even question him, his blade cut through the fabric of her dress. She wanted to be mad. Even yell at him for ruining one of her nice dresses. But the relief she felt made up for it. No longer constricted by the fabrics.

"Has Sihtric gone all of the way to Bebbanburg to fetch Uhtred?!" She nearly screamed out. Another wave of pain hitting her but this one was the worst one so far. Finan was trying to calm her as he rubbed her lower back, coaching her with her breaths and Osferth had covered the bed in towels and prepared bowls of warm water. They were doing their own research into childbirth it seems.

"He will be back. He wouldn't miss this." Osferth promised. Then he helped Finan move her onto the bed. The pillows behind her back forcing her to sit up right and now she was off her feet the pain felt a little better. Until the next wave.

"I'm going to kill him." She breathlessly whispered, her body already growing exhausted before they had even started. Osferth stood by her left side, placing a damp rag against her forehead to help cool her. Finan holding her hand, but he groaned every single time a wave of pain hit because of how hard she grabbed him. Like she was going to break all of his bones.

Heavy boots ran into the home and her heart warmed when she saw Sihtric, as worried as ever before he moved to sit behind her. The men helping to move her until she was settled properly against him. The feeling of his heartbeat against her back helping her to relax.

Uhtred was rallying the women around the room, giving them orders and it made her chuckle. Maybe she was delirious. But all of these people in the room she had thought about killing. Now they were all here, helping her bring new life into the world.

One of the women were knelt on the bottom of the bed, parting her legs and telling her when to push. The pain continued to get worse, but she knew it would be worth it in the end. As long as the child was born, healthy. She would take every ounce of pain.

"You're so strong. You can do this." Sihtric whispered into her ear. She was surrounded by love.

She had no idea how much time had passed. Her body truly exhausted by now. She had slumped back in her husbands' arms, but he never stopped singing her praises. Osferth made sure to keep her body temperature down. Finan had taken to pacing the room which made her grow nervous. But Uhtred saw the look and stopped Finan in his tracks. Them both moving back to her side now and leaving the two women at the bottom of the bed.

"I can see the head. Just a couple more pushes. You can do this." The redhead encouraged. Knowing the longer the babe was stuck in this position it wasn't good.

"It hurts. It hurts so much." She sobbed, all men rallying around her to try and encourage her. Sihtric was rubbing her back and her stomach, Finan holding her hand tightly. Uhtred was running his fingers through her hair. She relaxed herself and took several deep breaths before pushing again. By the fourth push she heard a small cry fill the air and she thought her heart had stopped.

"You did it. Well done, Lady. You have a healthy little boy." The redhead cut the cord, cleaning the babe a little before wrapping him in a blanket and placing him in Sigyn's arms.

Her eyes filled with tears as she stared at the babe, he was truly beautiful. Dark curls already peeking from beneath the blanket. And when the child opened his eyes, she heard a small gasp from Sihtric. It was only then she noticed he had his fathers' eyes. One blue, one brown.

Uhtred was proudly patting Sihtric's shoulder, happy that his friend would have some happiness.

"He's perfect." Osferth spoke proudly and everyone in the room just watched the small child, full of love and awe. 

Bloody Revenge | Sigyn x Sihtric Kjartansson | The Last KingdomWhere stories live. Discover now