Chapter 1: Math sucks

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Chaewon's head turned to the clock for the seventh thousand time this period, she could have sworn its been an hour since she last checked, but the minute hand was just a little passed five.

Her eyes batted slowly, drifting into the sleep she has been avoiding, the teacher's voice began to echo as the world became hazy.

"Chae!" Came a familiar voice and a paper crumbled into a ball was sent flying towards her head.

Chaewon immediately snapped, looking around for whoever threw it, after scanning the classroom filled with sleepy students, her eyes finally landed on the culprit.

She pouted, her eyes glared at him as he waved with a grin on his lips. It was none other than Han fucking Jisung, yup! You gotta love your best friend, throwing papers at you.

He mouthed the word 'open' using his hands to demonstrate.

Chaewon looked at the teacher who surprisingly haven't caught them yet, and back at the paper, which she slowly unfolded, awaiting whatever dumb thing he had written.

'Don't fall asleep, you look like a bug when you sleep >:)'

Chaewon sighed, reaching for her pen to jot down a message.

'You look like one either way'

After writing down her sweet little message she tossed the paper back to him and turned to the teacher, smiling.

Jisung opened the paper and frowned at her. "Jeez, I was only trying to help" he muttered under his breath, shoving the paper into his pocket.

After what seems to be weeks, maths class was finally over, saving the children from the boredom.

Chae picked up her book and aimed herself towards the door.

"Chae, Chae, Chae"

"Jisung, Jisung, Jisung"

"Well you're extra pissy today, what's up?" Jisung blocked her path, spreading his arms to stop her.

"I'm just tired, barely slept last night" She yawned a bit, shaking her head afterwards. She had spent the whole night watching YouTube videos of epic fails.

"Lemme guess, you were up watching videos of humans failing?" Jisung irked a brow, knowing full well what she did.

Chaewon bit her lower lip, chuckling nervous. ", I was doing my homework"

"Sure, and the Eiffel tower is in Egypt"

"I thought it was the pyramids?"

Jisung and Chaewon turned to see Minho and Jeongin behind them. Minho was disappointed at Jeongin comment about the pyramids, giving him an 'are you kidding me' face.

"Hi Sunbae, hi Jeongin" Chaewon waved, tilting her head as her eyes averted from Minho to Jeongin.

"I'm also your Sunbae" Jeongin crossed his arms, angry that she refuses to call him that every time.

"By a day, it doesn't count" she countered.

"It does, just ask Jisung" Jeongin pointed at Jisung who was attempting to flirt with Minho.

"Yeah, it does" Jisung quickly answered, turning his attention back to the other male who was murdering him with his eyes. "So tell me are you an. . ."

"Shut up jisung, or you'll be eating tissues for lunch" Minho snapped.

Chaewon and Jeongin averted their attention back to themselves. Chaewon smiled and spread her arms. "I'll call you Sunbae, if you let me hug you"

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Welcome to the first chapter of this trashy book, several more to go

Anyways hi, how are you?
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