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Hllo Guys!😊

Amm.. I don't know what's happening in this app. This is continuously reporting ffs  and due to theses types of problems many authors are leaving this platform.

Many authors who are my fav. They have unpublished their works..
goldieandtaebear was also one of them.
I still remembered her books.. like kisses make babies, Sole purpose, Make his life miserable!🤧

 like kisses make babies, Sole purpose, Make his life miserable!🤧

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One Screenshot from book "Sole Purpose" by goldieandtaebear ❤...  I know there's no turning back now... just wanna thanks author for writing these beautiful stories and i literally felt myself lucky that i was able to read them . I literally don't have any other screenshots 🤧 from her books so don't ask me!

And Taekook_fantasy has also unpublished her all books. Hope so in future we'll able to read their works. Doesn't matter whether are ff or not! I'll read them because I literally learn lott of things from their writings!❤

Just I'm weiting this to inform my readers and thanking the duo of Goldietaebear and Taekook_fantasy ❤😊
Hope so we'll not lose our author and reader relationship!❤

Just I'm weiting this to inform my readers and thanking the duo of Goldietaebear and Taekook_fantasy ❤😊Hope so we'll not lose our author and reader relationship!❤

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Taekook ff recommendation Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora