Unknown realization

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Della POV

As I was about to help out my son, Donald was the first to do so. He ran up the stairs with caution and speed. I sigh, as I slowly follow him, he seems unaware that I was behind him.

Everyone seemed confused and at loss for words, and Scrooge looked like he was judging hueys disrespectful behavior, like I care, all I know is my son could be in danger or more for all I know.

I followed behind Donald quickly but not letting him know I was behind him, acting like he's their father...

Though I'm worried for Huey, I mean he ran up the stairs without hesitation, and as he did I notice he wrapped his arms around his neck, and In a hurry for that matter. It isn't like him...

Donald seemed worried as well, I could hear the worry and fear just from how he was running.

As we made it up the stairs, we heard gagging and hyperventilating down the hallway.

Donald was panicking, and went to the nearest room, im guessing he thought Huey was in there, what an idiot.

Obviously it's more father down the hallway, I can tell by the way the sounds practically Bounce off the walls.

(Very very short time skip)

Huey POV

I felt myself shaking as Donald looked at the rose in shock.

"This came out of your mouth right?" He asked with his usual gibberish tone, I lightly nod.

I could tell he was thinking, i could feel my tears damping my feathers as they ran through my cheeks.

He sighed,"I know what this is." He said regretfully."W-Well?" I ask stumbling over my words.

"Have you been feeling a certain way around someone in specific?" He said, not answering my question.
I shrug my shoulders,"Maybe i should be more clear, its like when...you feel like you love someone?"
He answered, not knowing how to say it any other way.

Have i felt something for someone? Like love, not platonic love but romantic...?

No not violet she's not really what I would go for. Webby, well she's practically my cousin, so absolutely not. Lena, she doesn't seem straight, so no as well.

Could it...be a boy?

No, no, no, Nope! Absolutely not! Only into girls, Straight. Straight...

But then again? Could i like a boy...?


Donald POV

I could tell he was questioning things, then again, there isn't that many girls he knows, and most of those girls are either family or he sees them as family members.

He seemed to be back tracking on the type of things he had felt.

He then clears his throat,"I'm not in love." He says like he's sure, but in a confused tone, i would be confused to if I threw up a flower and my uncle asks if I'm in love.

"No, listen. There's only one explanation to why you threw up a rose- ok never mind this isn't working."

We stay in silence, and i didn't know how to say it any better.

"Look, unless you ate a rose, than you're in love, does that make sense?" He shook his head. I sigh.

"Well I'll leave you too it." I respond, walking towards the door."uncle Donald." Huey interrupts. I turn to him,"w-will you be, i don't know d-disappointed if it was perhaps a
b-boy...?" He asks regretfully, I could tell he made up his mind, and he just wanted my validation.

I lift my head up slightly, shocked at his question, not that I don't support, Im bisexual and trans myself, but they don't know that, they don't need to."of course not! I'll accept you for what you are and who you are..." I respond once again.

He looks at me nervously, shuffling his feet, looking down while blushing and sweating.
"O-oh, ok i was j-just wondering..." he says slowly drifting down in a spiral of confusion. "Something you need to tell me?" I ask, trying to sound sympathetic, even with my gibberish Voice.

I could see how distressed he was, and I could tell his breath was quickening, oh phooey....

Yeah we're not going to Judge the fact I ended this chapter with phooey ok:|
It's in character and that's all u need to know

And only 726 words😰

 robot boyfriend (huey x boyd) hanaki tropeWhere stories live. Discover now