Sky moved as if he was about to swat the patched arm. Rain hid his arm protectively. 

"Don't hit it! It hurts for real," he said, gently running his finger tips to the white patch. "The lab technician couldn't find the vein and poked me a number of times."

"And she said it can be due to dehydration!"

"I am drinking lots of water..."

"Hmmp! Whatever. Serves you right. You deserve it for not going to the check up soon," Sky glared at Rain's arm before narrowing his eyes at Rain. "You better be glad I wasn't the one drawing your blood. I would have drained you."

Rain smiled. "Thank you for going with me, na?" he said as he batted his eyelashes. "You're the best na..."

Sky scowled before pushing the driver's door open. "Yeah, yeah. Don't act cute with me."

Rain jumped out of the car and Sky made sure that everything was locked up. The both of them headed for the entrance of the grocery store. Inside, they felt the blast of the air conditioning as a welcome from the heat outside. 

Sky headed for the shopping carts on the side while Rain followed. There were quite a lot of people inside considering that it was lunch time. Some students were staying alive through filling their carts with junk food. Others were at the food kiosk on the farthest side of the grocery.

Rain did a double take when Sky turned for the produce section when the man was there just to get his favorite pudding.

"I thought we're just getting your pudding?" Rain asked, his eyes at the greens and fruits in the aisle.

"We're shopping for you. Your fridge is practically empty," Sky said, putting a whole round cabbage into the cart. 

"What? I have carrots and potatoes there."

Sky rolled his eyes. "Exactly. Nothing but carrots and potatoes. Are you transforming into a rabbit or something? Why is your fridge full of it?"

Rain picked up a radish and placed it inside the cart. "I got them from a sidewalk vendor who sold it to me for practically nothing. It's an elderly man and I felt bad it was late and he was still there so I bought everything he was selling."

Sky looked up at the ceiling as if praying for some bit of patience. He then turned at Rain and shook his head. "Anyway, we'll fill your fridge with food. Stock up on vegetables. Stock up on that tofu." Sky pointed at the fruits section. "Get assorted fruits over there. Make yourself useful, please."

Rain barked out a laugh. "Are you ordering P'Pai like this too?"

Sky deadpanned. "If I have to tell him every single thing, he knows he's in trouble. I've got no patience."

Rain hopped his way towards Sky and grabbed the man's arm. "Aww, but why are you being so patient with me...? I am touched."

He thought Sky would retort him and pull his arm away but instead, Sky just looked at Rain. "Because you're my best friend. Who else will be patient with you if not me?"

"..." Rain stared at Sky for a few seconds before squeezing Sky's arm once. "I'll bring you the nicest, juiciest fruits."

"You make it sound like we're playing."

Rain just laughed and headed for the fruits section. 

He picked a smaller basket and began checking for fruits. He was checking for the prettiest apple and the yellowest lemons. He found an interesting fruit that looked like a dragon's heart and also dropped it in his basket.

"So this is why."

Rain who was about to pick up a tray of grapes, paused. He glanced over his shoulder and felt everything turned dim.

STORM CHASING [Love in the Air | PayuxRain]Where stories live. Discover now