Chapter -39 Lucky Taehyung

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Of all my grandpups, only Jungkook  grew up under my watchful eyes. The rest were
Brought up in the South, and I would just occasionally see them.
But Jungkook , I have held him since the very first day and have seen him through his first
Step, his first tooth, and the first time he shifted into his wolf at fourteen.
I loved all my grandpups, but Jungkook  would always be special. He was like me.
I knew him inside out, and I knew the struggle within him. Despite the tough façade he
Showed everyone, inside him was an insecure boy who thought he was not worthy to be
An Alpha. He would always say that Suzanne’s bloodline, my eldest daughter, should
Have been the rightful Alpha. But despite that, he worked hard to
Prove it every day so as not to disappoint me and his people.
He was a perfect Alpha. But he was missing
One thing.
A Luna.
Two weeks ago, we talked over the phone, and I told him not to feel pressured about
Getting a Luna or an heir. Because if it came
To the point that he would not be able to
Produce an heir, we would have Alonso, Alexa’s son. Or if not, Sebastian’s or Anya’s
Son. He had nephews who could take over.
It didn’t matter to me who would be Pack Alpha as long as they came from my
Bloodline, and as long as they were
Conceived out of love. It was the sole reason I refused to hand down the title to Suzanne
And opted for Audrius instead to take over the pack after me.
So when the news that Jungkook  had finally taken home a female reached me, I knew
Something was off. Jungkook , for the life of me, had never brought home a female, and two
Weeks ago, he still did not have one.
It might be his way of proving to me again that he could produce an heir or find a Luna,
But I would not be played for a fool. If Jungkook  would have a Luna and an heir, it must be
Out of love, not out of a contract.
So here I was, playing the bad guy again, just to make sure my grandpups would never
Fall into the trap of a loveless union.
“What the fuck was that, grandpa?” Jungkook  yelled at me the moment Taehyung  was out of
He had never raised his voice at me in the ten years that he was pack Alpha and he had
Done it multiple times today.
“Jungkook ! Can you calm down and stop disrespecting your grandfather?” It was Helena. Jungkook  ignored her and kept glaring at me. He
Was furious. His eyes were dilating, and I
Could feel he was letting his aura out, but I was trying not to flinch or budge from my
Seat. I wanted to see how far he was willing
To stand up for Taehyung .
I didn’t hate the girl. She looked lovely and
Smart. Just born at the wrong place and wrong time. Just like my dear Alexa.
But she had to be the victim of my game.
“Do you even like that female?” I asked in a voice void of any emotion.
“Why the fuck do you think I would introduce her to you? She wanted to meet my family,
And I fucking gave in to make her happy, but if I knew you would step down to that level,
I should have declined this dinner. We can survive without having her meet you!

“Enough, Jungkook . That’s below the belt.”
Audrus snapped at him.
“So the way he treated her is okay with you?
Did he treat Mom like that? Because I sure as hell won’t allow him to disrespect my
Female! Not on my fucking watch!” He was snapping at his father as well.
Jungkook  would easily lose his temper, but he had never disrespected me or Audrius.
“If you don’t like her, fine, we’re leaving. And we’ll just see to it that she doesn’t cross
Paths with you.”
“Jungkook , can you fucking calm down.”
“No, Dad! I’m not just going to sit here and look while she’s disrespected when she has
Done nothing, nothing to disrespect any of you! She’s not a bitch, and I demand you
Respect her the way she was respecting all of you here!”
“I would have to side with Jungkook  this time.” It
Was my Luna. She was always my voice of reason. “I didn’t like the way you were
Addressing Taehyung , honey. Besides, she was not even born yet when all the things about
Suzanne happened. It was unfair that you…”
“Fine,” I cut her off before she could state all the reasons I was at fault here. I let out a
Sigh and pushed my chair back to stand up. ” I will go talk to her.”
In seconds, Jungkook  was already blocking my
Way. Veins were popping out of his neck, but he was trying to talk calmly this time. “No
Way, pops. You’re not approaching her.”
“I will not say or do anything harmful to her.
“I don’t trust you.” He hissed, his eyes threatening me. I should be offended. But I wasn’t. Because I knew I would never trust anyone when it
Came to my Luna and he was showing the same protective instinct toward her.
I shrugged my shoulders and walked past him, preparing myself in case he would attack
Me. “I can’t blame you. Give me ten minutes, and you can follow after. And if I do
Something that is not to your liking, I will denounce the pack and move out. An Alpha’s
I didn’t wait for him to reply as I made my
Way in the direction where I thought I could find the female. It might be too early to tell,
But maybe I was wrong. Maybe Jungkook  really liked her, or maybe he even loved her, or I
Would never see the rage in his eyes.
Now I just needed to find out if she felt the
Same way about him.
I let my nose guide me until I found her on one of the balconies overlooking the rest of
Audrius’ estate. She was outside on a chilly night without a coat or a jacket, but she
Looked like she wasn’t bothered by it, or probably her pain was shielding her from the
I walked to a built-in closet nearby and grabbed one of Crystal’s coats before I went
Back to where she was, slipping out of the sliding door without making any noise
Before I placed the coat around her
She thanked me without looking at me, and
We stayed silent for a couple of minutes until she started talking. And finally, I had the
Chance to ask her if she loved my grandson.
“And I want you to like me too because I know how much you mean to him. I’m not. Sure
If that’s how love feels, but I really like him, so please don’t ask me to stay away from
Him,” she said in a soft voice, Her gaze was on me, but I wasn’t returning it. I kept my
Eyes straight ahead.
“We never had a chosen Luna. The Alphas of this pack had always had their fated
Mates as their Lunas.” “I know what you’re trying to tell me. And I can’t argue with that. If the day comes that
Jungkook  will finally meet his mate, I will walk away. I will never argue with fate.” I tilted my
Head to look at her this time, just in time for me to see tears trickling down her cheeks.
She smiled as she wiped the tears off her
Face. “I’m sorry. I was getting too emotional.
“Are you not hoping he’s your fated mate?”
“I do. Every day since I met him. But I’m just me.” Her shoulders started to shake as soft
Sobs escaped her throat. “Why would I be given a great Alpha for a mate? This is all just
Wishful thinking, but a girl can dream.”
I just looked at her, and I could see the pain
In her words.
“But I should be happy I met him. Not everyone got the chance to be with him. I’m
Lucky Taehyung .” She tried to chuckle as she kept wiping her tears. “I’m sorry. I am overly
Dramatic sometimes.”
I let a smile tug on my mouth this time, and I saw the way her eyes beamed when she
Saw me smile. “Me too, I overreact sometimes.”
I would have said more, but the sliding door
Opened, and Jungkook ’s strong aura swirled
Around us.
Was it ten minutes already?
“Taehyung …” His voice came out soft, totally
Opposite of the way he was speaking with me
“Jungkook …”
“Are you okay? Let’s go home.” His hand
Extended toward her. Taehyung ’s eyes went to me, and I shifted my gaze to my grandson. “She hasn’t eaten
Dinner yet. Go back to the table, and I’ll be
On my best behavior.”
I didn’t wait for their reply and just walked back inside and made my way to the dining
I guess I got the answer to what I was looking for. I just hope the Goddess will intervene
And give her to my grandson as his fated mate. Because I had no idea what
Would happen if they were fated with
Someone else. This pack has never had a
Chosen Luna.

Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon / TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now