Chapter-26 - I'm A Shifter

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I was in my office waiting for any sign
That Jimin and Jinie were done
Introducing themselves to her, but it had been too long already.
So in the end, when I couldn’t wait anymore, I mind linked Jimin and asked her to bring
Taehyung to my office. It didn’t take long before a knock came, and I let
Her in.
Taehyung stepped in and walked towards the center, her eyes roaming around my office,
And I was wondering if she liked it or if she thought the room was boring. I suddenly
Wished I had more color than
Black and brown.
Taehyung stopped in the middle of my office, right in front of my big desk, while I sat on my
Chair, elbow propped on the
Armrest with my head resting on my Knuckles.
“Stop staring, Alpha,” she said, biting
Her inner cheek, which made her look
Innocent, which I knew she was far from.
“Why? Last time I checked, I had the right to look at anyone I wanted to look at.
“You’re making me melt…” She said it in an almost inaudible voice, but I heard it. And she caught me off guard, making me
Almost choke on my own words.
Was she being honest, or was she just playing me?
I ignored her because I had no idea how to answer that, so instead, I started
Another topic. “I want to induct you into my pack?”
‘Induct? What do you mean?” Her eyes were rounded, so I was sure she knew
What I meant by it.
“Swear allegiance and loyalty to my pack. I’ll take you into my pack” But the fucking truth was, I wanted to be able to mindlink her, so I didn’t need to go
Around people just to find her.
“I don’t know how. I never had a pack.”
I stood up from my chair and opened my drawer, taking the ceremonial dagger before
Moving to the other side of the
Table. I anchored my ass on my desk, and
Crossed my arms across my chest before looking at her.
“Will you draw blood from me?” Her eyes
Were focused on the dagger in my hand.
“I need our blood to mix in your body.”
She gulped. And I could tell she was
Beginning to feel uneasy.
“Will you not be comfortable if I cut you?
It’ll be just a little cut in your palm.” She looked pale, but it was nothing new. Some Omegas were not tolerant of pain, especially
Before they got their wolves. “Or you can drink directly from me.”
Her eyes snapped up and met my gaze. “I think I could take that offer.”
I shrugged my shoulders and motioned with my hand for her to come closer. I was
Trying to act as if it was a natural thing, but in reality, the thought of her drinking my blood was arousing me.
“Repeat after me.” I took her hand and laid it out in front of me. My finger began to run
Circles on her palm. This was not part of the ceremony, but I just wanted to
Hold her.
“I.. state your full name,” I began.
She has a beautiful name.
“Pledge my allegiance and loyalty to
Alpha Jeon Jungkook as my Alpha…
“Pledge my allegiance and loyalty…” she paused, before she tilted her head up and
Her eyes locked with mine. “…to Alpha Jeon Jungkook as my Alpha.”
I saw a smile curled on her lips, and I fucking thought the lights shined on her like she
Was the only thing I could see. I
Totally blacked out and just found myself swiping my tongue over my lips as my eyes
Darted to her plump lips.
“…and to Mystic Pack as my pack,” she continued even without my words. And
That was enough.
I closed my eyes for a second to break the trance I was in before I started my spiel.
I, Alpha Jeon Jungkook of the Mystic Pack, accept you, Kim Taehyung , as part of my pack from this day.” I straightened up from my position and bit my wrist before extending it to her.

Taehyung swallowed as her eyes sparkled before she sank her teeth into my wrist and began sucking blood, slowly at first before it became aggressive as her hold on my arm tightened.

It should have been just a few seconds,
Just a drop of blood to mix with hers, but she had been drinking for quite some
Time now. Not that it bothered me, but
She seemed to enjoy it a little too much.
And then I realized I didn’t feel any bond connecting with mine or with the pack despite
The fact that she was drinking too much blood already.
‘Taehyung…’ I tried to mind link her, although
I couldn’t feel her mind at all.
Still nothing.
“Enough,” I told her in a slightly higher voice, and it looked like it snapped her back to
The present.
She withdrew her mouth from my wrist, but she didn’t lift her gaze to look at me. I thought I saw black veins at the side of
Her eyes, but they were gone in seconds. I t might be just the lighting in the room.
“I’m sorry, Alpha. Your blood tasted really good.”
I should be flattered, but I have other things in my head right now. “Did you feel a
Connection opening?”
“What do you mean?” This time she
Tilted her head and met my gaze.
“A bond. And I can’t link to your mind. Have you experienced mindlink?”
She shook her head. “I never had a pack, Alpha.” “I know. But the fuck, why can’t I connect with you.” I asked her, even if I
Knew she wouldn’t have an answer.
“Let’s do this again,” I grunted, grabbing the dagger on the desk behind me.
“I don’t like being cut.”
I was starting to get pissed off because I couldn’t take her in my pack and I was already
Losing my patience. “Your- fucking-hand, now!”
She extended her hand, but I saw the anger in her eyes. I couldn’t care less. I wanted
Her in my fucking mind.
I sliced her palm and I saw the dark blood pooling in her hand. It was the darkest blood
I’d ever seen, but it was the least of my concern. I sliced mine and entwined our hands,
Mixing our blood together.
I counted in my head and I was so fucking close to twenty counts and nothing was
“Say the spiel again…”
Taehyung let out a deep sigh before she stated the allegiance pledge and I immediately
Accepted her but nothing had changed.
“What the fuck!” I growled and pulled my hand away from hers. I threw the dagger at the other end of the room, and it hit the sofa, ripping it in the process. I didn’t
Feel a fucking connection being added to
My pack.
She stepped backward. I didn’t see any fear in her eyes, only confusion.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I
Snapped at her, my eyes dilated as I waited for her response.
She kept moving back until her back hit the wall. “I don’t know, Alpha. I don’t
Even know what you mean by the
Connection.” “Try to mindlink me…’
“I don’t know how…”
“Just fucking try!” I knew this was not
Her fault, but I was so frustrated now.
Something was totally wrong.
Taehyung shut her eyes tightly, her hands. Coiling at the hem of her shirt as if she could get
Strength from it.
Was she lying? Was she part of another pack? Was that why I couldn’t take her in my
Pack? Or did she use a different name?
“Are you even a fucking shifter?” In a few steps, I was in front of her, my face just
Inches from hers.
Her eyes opened as her hands went to my chest, trying to push me away. “I am! Can’t
You scent me as a wolf?” She answered in a slightly higher tone, as pain crossed her
Eyes. “I’m a she-wolf, I’m not lying! You should be able to smell
I grabbed her hands from my chest and raised them above her head, pinning
Them against the wall as my eyes met
“The only thing I can smell from you is your fucking sweet scent!” I growled before my
Nose dipped to the crook of her neck. I had no fucking idea what I was doing, but I found
Myself inhaling her sweet scent, taking everything I could.
“Alpha… I’m not lying. Beta Yoongi said he scented my weak shifter smell…”
Yoongi told me the same thing. I was just frustrated because I badly wanted her in
My pack.
“I know…” I panted, still on a high from her sweet scent. My mouth parted as I began
Sucking the soft spot on her neck while my hands still held hers against the
Wall. “Alpha…” she moaned as she arched her body, throwing her head back and resting it
Against the wall, giving me more access to her neck.
“I want you in my head, Taehyung…” I groaned lowly as my gums itched before my fangs slowly erupted.

Beneath Her Darkness: The Alpha's Little Demon / TAEKOOK Where stories live. Discover now