You Are Wanted

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Jasper slowly sat on the edge of Harry's bed. "Nightmares?"

"You know...about what happened." Harry whispered. "I'm scared to go to sleep because I always have nightmares about it. It's like I can feel the pain of the torture curse again. Over, and over. Stabbing me. Everywhere. Suffocating me, and then just when I think I'm going to die, I wake up, but...I don't want to keep feeling like I am going to die every time I have to go to sleep." He indicated to the potion Jasper was still holding. "So, I take that, and studying was a good way to fill the time instead of...thinking about that."

Jasper felt sick with this information. He had been having more nightmares, and he had not noticed? He felt horrible, and he felt worse that Harry couldn't even escape what Theodore did in his sleep to the point he was taking this potion to stop himself from sleeping. Jasper wondered how long he had not slept, and he felt so angry that Theodore had gotten away with it.

"Harry, I'm so sorry...we have to tell someone."

Harry shook his head. "It's too late. No one would believe me. They'd say I misheard, just...let me do what I'm doing."

"I can't ignore this, you can barely function. You need your sleep." Jasper said. "You shouldn't be having these nightmares in the first place."

Harry let out a small sigh, and looked down at his hands. "I miss my parents."

"Oh." Jasper said, but he quickly added, "Well, yeah. That's normal. I bet they always knew how to cheer you up after a nightmare, huh? Or if something bad had happened, right?"

Harry nodded, and he sniffled. "I miss their hugs."

Oh. "Well, er Hogwarts is almost over, and you'll see them before you know it, but we really need to sort out this issue. You need to sleep, and even if you don't think anyone would believe you about this with Theodore, we can tell Madam Pomfrey that what he did to you is causing your nightmares so maybe she can give you some of that potion you told me about – the one where it makes you have no dreams? Let's go get you some of that."

"It's late." 

"That doesn't matter, let's go."

They had gotten the dreamless sleep potion from Madam Pomfrey easily. Jasper had explained how Harry was having horrible nightmares due to the attack, and Madam Pomfrey had said she would inform the Headmaster about this, and Jasper really hoped something would be done.

The exam the Hufflepuffs were most worried about was History, and it was happening that day. Harry looked much better than he had the last few days, and Jasper was happy to know the potion had worked.

Once the time was up, the first year Hufflepuffs left, finally relieved that the exams were over. "I am so happy those are over with." Jonathan said. "Now we can relax for a week while the fifth, and seventh years continue to drown themselves in work, and studying."

"I'm so nervous for the marks to come out in the summer." Harry said, much more awake. "What if I failed at something?"

"I am sure you didn't." Gifford told him. "Now relax, it is the last week of Hogwarts, and we have no exams."

"We are free!" Dorothy exclaimed, raising her hands above her head, Venom doing the same. "No school for two months!"

Jasper nodded, but he had other plans to do this week. He needed to meet with Christopher as soon as possible. He hoped all of his exams were done.

"Wait, wait, wait, I need to take a photo of that, I didn't know you could do that!"

"You didn't know I could morph my face into a beak, I swear I have shown you that before." Maryrose said as she handed Anthony her camera.

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