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Day 1: my favorite male character

A: can it be three because I have a three-way-tie between Robin Hood, Neal and Henry

Robin: because he is just so sweet to Regina, he sees the good in Regina when everyone else sees the bad, OUTLAWQUEEN , he is just so so cute with Roland!!!

Neal: ( I'm about to cry...) Neal Omgosh he is just...just such a hero! He died to let Emma get the information from rumple so she can save Storybrooke. And even though he was rumple was exiling Neal when we was a young boy he seen the good in rumple when everyone else feared him.

And Henry: he is ( was ) so cute in season 1!!! And now look at him! He's all grown up and he could've been the author!!! But he also seen the best in everyone in there own special way even if there the dark one or the queen of hearts ( Cora ), and mostly he believed in the story book when everyone else thought it was silly old stories. He made the savior believe in the stories!

But if I HAVE TO PICK ONE I would have to pick NEAL. bc he is just such a good character! And so good heated! And I just love Neal!

Lol it's like 3:30 in the morning where I am and I'm just having fun with one of my friends...and I'm not tired. me and my friend ( aka phangnivong ) are talking about making a story...a fan fic...

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