Chapter 15 🤍🤍

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Rose senamore.

It's a place for young girls to go so when there daddy's hate them and old rich men pay there daddy's.

It's been 5 months.

I have been locked in this mansion in the middle of nowhere.

I haven't seen anyone but thease rich old men.

I am the only girl here with 18 grown men.

They tie me up at night and take turns sleeping with me. All day long I have to where very revealing outfits. There is no point in even whering cloths.

I cook, I clean, and there favourite... pleasure.

"Baby get your self up to my room now" one of the grown men says.

I have to go up. This place makes me miss Daniel.

He ties me up.

He grabs Skisors and cuts all my cloths up. I'm fully naked. He gets on top of me.

( very detailed)

He is also naked and he straddles over me. I can feel his dick on my stomach and I want to throw up.

He starts to kiss my lips. Then my neck. I start crying because I can't move. I can't stop him. I am just defenceless.

He sits back and starts to play with my nipples. He uses his index thingers ans goes around my nipples in circles.

Then he goes down and bites on both my nipples. He bites really hard though and it hurts. But I can't make any noices.

He licks my nipples then starts to move down.

He starts playing with my down bellow. Thingers and toung. He likes to do that. He plays with my boobs while he blows me. He likes to do that.

Once he has done that he comes back up and goes directly at my face. He makes me open my mouth and he sticks his dick in my mouth. I have tried everything but if I don't do what he says then I get worse what my dad.

He tells me what to do so I do it. I have to blow him and suck his dick. I have to make sure I'm soft on him. He makes me so that till he cums.

I start to choke a lot of the time because he either pushes down to hard or I choke on his cum.

But I always have to deal and drink it.

I miss home.

(Time skip)

It's dinner now.

I have cooked there dinner and I am in a see through bra and underwear.

They have there tables in a circle so I'm in the middle. I have a poll in the middle.

I have to strip and poll dance while they eat. They like it. Some times I have to climb on there table to the can play a little.

They say this is what a man wants. And I will get married to one of them. This is training for when I'm married. I have to keep a man happy.

5 months. I have been training. No word from Josh.

He dosent care.

( time skip)

I may have all this training but I know this is all fucked and I need to get out of here and go home. I know Josh cares.

I'm on my most covering dress. I'm only aloud dresses. It's a skin tight black dress. My hair and makeup is already done.

I am aloud to cut while I'm here but I don't. I have really wanted to but I made a promis to Finn and I will keep it. He must miss me.

I have lost a lot of weight. I'm 29kg I'm perfect. I'm skinny. And I have to keep it that way.

I have an escape plan. I put poison in there dinner so they will be out cold for hours. I know where they keep the key as well. I just need to get myself out of the tires.And tonight it will be easy considering they won't wake up.

I give them all a kiss and a quick blow and they are now all out cold. My plan is in action.

I get out after 5 minutes and make sure I have everything ready. I grab the key and open the door.

I almost fall from the greatness of the outside world. The moon is beautiful and the air is perfect.

I see the road and start to follow it. I'm running for about a mile Befor I'm to weak. I walk until I relise that I know where I am. I'm an hour from school.

I get exited because I can actually go home.

I start running but I'm dragging myself now. I'm only 39 minutes away. Cmon Sophie you need to see Josh.

It took me an extra hour to get to the school but I arrive there hanging on by a thread.


There's a hockey Game on.

I'm smiling for the first time in forever. I drag myself into the school and down the halls. I haven't been here In forever.

All thease class room I hated and the halls I hated more seem so amazing to be in now. I feel tears.

I can hear the crowds cheering on the hockey game.

I hated the games. They where so crowded and I always had panic attacks when I went to I just stayed outside till Josh came out with Jack. They always won.

I look through the window of the ice rink and the halls doors. I see the game. I'm smiling and cry at the same time.

I'm home. I'm really home.

I open the doors with my weak body just geting through.

I start slowly stumbling down the stairs to the gate of the rink. It takes me about 40 seconds per stair.

I want to fall but I keep myself up. For Josh.

I can barely hear anything. My vision is going blurry. But I'm almost there. I can't give up yet.

I open the gate to the ice rink. I have heals on. I step onto the ice and everything stops. The crowd goes quiet then the rival team stop. Then my team stops. I walk on to the middle of the ice in utter silence.

I see Josh and he looks like a mess. He starts crying. I seek all the hockey boys. They all look like al mess.

I look at Finn.

I smile at them all and laugh and cry.

"hi.." I wisper.

"Sophie..." Josh says while scating towards me. The hockey team all start skating to me very fast. But my body gives in and I claps.

I feel my head his the ice and I hear the hockey team shouting my name.
Hope you guys liked this chapter because I have had this one planed for ages!!!!

See you guys soon!!

Look after yourself and be nice to others!!

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