Knowledge is POWER

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Lightbringer decided that she wanted to go to the library to study. She was interested in what kinds of scrolls they had to choose from. So, she said goodbye to Darkness and went to the library all by herself.

"Okay. Time to go to the library. Wait. Where is the library anyways? I forgot to ask Icecap where it is. I'll go ask him." Lightbringer said

Lightbringer went to go find Icecap. She found him where he always was. In the main entrance at his desk. Lightbringer approached Icecap.

"Icecap. Can you tell me where the library is? I want to go there but I have no idea where it is." Lightbringer said.

"Yeah sure. It's through the corridor to my left. You'll see a sign that says "Library" and that's where it is." Icecap said pointing to the corridor to his right and Lightbringer's left.

"Okay. Thanks." Lightbringer said.

"No problem." Icecap responded.

Lightbringer followed Icecap's instructions and quickly found the library. She entered the library and was shocked at the huge size of the library. The walls had millions of shelves with tons of scrolls on them. Each shelf was labeled so that dragons could know what section was which. Lightbringer saw another dragon at a desk. Lightbringer walked towards that dragon. The dragon was a Nightwing. It had very light-colored scales with beautiful colored horns. The Nightwings eyes were like a sunny day. The Nightwing also had a silver scale next to their eye.

"Hello. I'm Lightbringer. What's your name?" Lightbringer asked the Nightwing.

"Oh me? My name is Cosmo. I'm the librarian. I'm guessing your Darkness's twin sister right? I've heard a lot about you two." Cosmo said.

"Yes, I am. Your colors are interesting for you being a Nightwing." Lightbringer said.

"Oh. I'm a hybrid. My father is a Nightwing and my mother is a Rainwing. So, I'm both a Rainwing and a Nightwing." Cosmo said.

"That's so cool! And you also have a silver scale next to your eye." Lightbringer said pointing to Cosmo's silver scale.

"I was born under one full moon so I can read minds. But I have an insanely hard time controlling it. Sometimes I can read other dragons' minds and sometimes I can't. I can't choose when I read their minds." Cosmo said.

"One moon can do that? I and my brother were born under two full moons. So, what does that mean?" Lightbringer asked Cosmo.

"Well, you can read the minds of other dragons and prophecy-telling powers which give you visions of the possible future." Cosmo stated.

"But what about three full moons? What's special about being born under three full moons for a Nightwing?" Lightbringer asked.

"Not a lot is known exactly what it does but the other Nightwings think that it makes your mind-reading and prophecy-telling powers more powerful. But no one is completely sure. It could do anything for all we know." Cosmo said.

"Okay. So, about these scrolls. Do I just pick one out and read it? Also, can I ask for pacific scrolls?" Lightbringer asked Cosmo.

"Yes. You are allowed to pick one out and read it. You can also take a few to your dorm to read them. Each scroll is labeled and in alphabetical order. Also, you will need this." Cosmo said handing Lightbringer a card.

"What is it?" Lightbringer asked holding the card in her talon.

"It's a library card. It allows you to check out scrolls for about 3 days till you have to return them. You need it when you want to take a scroll out of the library." Cosmo said.

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