He moved forward putting on her seatbelt and replied "Would you be okay if I take you to my house?"

She thought about it for a minute and replied positively.

She knew he wouldn't hurt her because if he wanted to he could've done it already as there were multiple times when she was alone with him.

She played The Weeknd songs one after the other and sometime later they were entering a closed off area.

The huge metal gates opened automatically and she looked around in awe.

This place was huge. It is so peaceful here, she thought.

They got out together and Xavier led her inside.

"Your house is beautiful." she complimented politely. Only it wasn't a house, it was a freaking Disney level palace.

"Thank you," he replied.

She followed him to the kitchen and he asked her to sit down to which she complied obediently.

"Would you like to drink something or eat?" he asked her from across the counter.

"Mhmm water please." He nodded and gave her a glass of water.

While she was drinking it he took out some packets of chips and Coke and left the kitchen.

He came back a few minutes later and held her hand, guiding her to the living room.

When they reached there everything was already set up. Blankets, snacks, cold drinks, movies and them.

They sat down but Ailee could sense his mood wasn't at its best. He has been so quiet.

"Xavier what is wrong?" she asked him for the umpteenth time today.

She cupped his face with her small hands, making him look at her.

"Don't you dare say 'I'm fine' or anything of that sort."

"I know something is bothering you. If you want, you can share with me and I swear to my precious chocolates I won't spill it to anyone." she said with her bambi eyes looking at him so hopefully he couldn't help himself.

"It is nothing serious Coco. I am just fucking tired of living life like this. I wish I could just retire from this job and live peacefully somewhere near the ocean and shit like that." he said running a hand down his face in pure exhaustion.

Her heart felt heavy hearing the hurt in his voice. He looks so uncaring and strong from outside that one could never imagine how much pain he is hiding behind his rough and tough exterior.

She scooted closer to him and wrapped her arms around him, drawing different patterns on his back to get him to relax.

He sat motionless, basking in her sweet scent.

After sometime he pulled back and straightened up, already back to his old hard self.

"Ok so what movie do you want to watch?" asked Ailee trying to lighten up his mood.

"You choose." he said and leaned back.

"There's no telling what I may choose so you better not regret it ok?" she replied, folding her hands across her chest.

"Yeah yeah whatever" he said nonchalantly.

She kept searching for the next 15 minutes and finally played Despicable Me, settling down beside him doing a little happy dance.

He shook his head with the tiniest smile and looked ahead.


Around 3 in the morning and when their third movie ended, Xavier looked to his right where lay a very disheveled looking Ailee and chuckled.

He was amazed she managed to sit through the series wide awake even laughing and commenting actively. She fell asleep halfway through the last part though.

He got up removing her legs from his lap and cleaned the table that had half eaten packets of chips and numerous wrappers of chocolates which she brought from her house to share with Xavier but ended up eating them herself.

He came back after disposing of the trash and carried her to the guest room. He laid her down and covered her with a comforter and turned to leave.

But then he turned around and looked at her again thinking how much she meant to him. The mere thought of her getting hurt puts him in unease.

He turned around and left adjusting the lights down low.


I am a tad bit late but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Y'all see it coming now? 👀

Keep supporting.
Love ya 🥀

Thank you! ❤️

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