Chapter Fourteen - Don't Blame Me

Start from the beginning

On top of that, they painted me out to be overly aggressive. Unhinged, and combative. "A new side of Ladybug! Fury and fire, the hero we loved turned psycho". It was embarrassing.

Begrudgingly, I flop out of my bed and make my way downstairs to get something to eat. My tired limbs protest, and my fuzzy mind works with my body for only one thing in common; the need for some normalcy.

Lately, nothing has been normal.

My mom envelopes me in a hug, my dad doing a funny little speed walk to quickly join us. We stand there in comfortable silence, content in our group hug.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" My mom asks gently, pulling away to cup my face and stare at me. I nod my head, thankful for their love and support.

"Let's make something to eat then." My dad pipes up, giving my shoulder a little squeeze. We work together in the kitchen making a small meal, chatting away. For the first time in a long while, things feel kind of normal. This is what I needed.

I mean, as normal as things can be after being attacked by a fake version of Ladybug and fighting for my life.

I don't bother to check my phone, not wanting to see everyone talking about what happened. Especially seeing videos of that kiss with Chat Noir. That was a special, intimate moment, and I hate that we had to share that moment with everyone.

I hate it even more knowing that it doesn't mean the same for him. I know he only kissed me because he had too, and that his feelings for me are gone.

Feeling a sense of loneliness and sadness that I can't quite explain, I shovel some scrambled eggs in my mouth and try to ignore the thoughts of Chat Noir that keep popping up in my mind.

Alya comes bursting in about an hour later, rushing over to tackle me. I fall off my chair wheezing as she's squeezing the life out of me.

She carries herself with the confidence that only a friend who's been around for so long could muster. She's basically my parent's second child at this point, knocking at the door would feel ridiculous.

"You big idiot, answer your damn phone." She exclaims, squishing my face. I giggle, swatting her hands away. My parents just laugh, shaking their heads at the two of us.

Standing up, Alya offers me a hand and drags me up off the ground.

"There's too much going on, I didn't want to get sucked into the social media storm taking place." I say guiltily, feeling bad for worrying her.

"Yeah, well, your best friend was already doing internet damage control. Don't worry, it'll pass soon enough." She smiles at me, and I swear I couldn't love this girl anymore than I already do. She's such a great friend. The thought of Alya leaving me behind when she goes off to college breaks my heart, and I'm left struggling with my intrusive thoughts once again.

I wish I could have just a moment of peace. It's impossible to escape one's own mind.

"You're the best. Thank you." I say, trying to focus on the present rather than the unknown future. Keeping Chat Noir's advice in my mind, I smile at my friend.

Thinking of Chat Noir's advice reminds me of our kiss, making me feel flustered and heart broken all over again.

Never gonna catch a break, huh?

"Want some food, Alya?" My mom asks, offering her some of our leftovers from our breakfast. Or, well, I suppose lunch. A late lunch, considering it's about 2pm.

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Alya plops down with a plate of eggs, toast and sausages. She scarfs it down as she scrolls through her phone to show me all the work she's been doing since last night.

She created a post on the LadyBlog to explain the situation that happened. The post reads all about how a Senti-monster looking just like Ladybug attacked a young civilian, based on the fake news being spread about her relationship with Chat Noir. She even wrote about the proof that Chat Noir and Ladybug are a couple, as Paris has suspected all along. She's also been working away heavily with replying to comments on all kinds of social media platforms.

Alya is amazing.

I cringe at the amount of comments that talk about Ladybug as "hot" and "could beat me like that any day". Even in rage, women are sexualized and not taken seriously.

I wasn't trying to be hot, seductive or provocative. I was fucking angry.

"People are gross." I mutter, Alya nodding her head in agreement.

"Amen to that, sister."

We wash up the dishes together before taking off upstairs, Alya swiftly closing the hatch door behind us. She stares me down like a ravenous reporter looking for all the inside scoop. I yelp, running across the room but she pounces like a lion, grabbing me and turning me to face her.

I'm nothing but a small animal about to be feasted upon, trying to hide is futile now.

"A kiss?! Details! Now!" Alya hisses, looking manic and unhinged. I would laugh if it wasn't such a difficult question to answer.

"We needed to throw people off my trail as Marinette." I say sheepishly, and she shoves me back, crossing her arms in disbelief. I stumble but quickly regain my stance.

"Bullshit, that kiss was hot, steamy, and passionate. It screamed lovers! Did you see your face?! You were so in love! You have in love eyes!" She emphasizes, making me cringe.

"I don't know what any of it means, Alya. I think I was just startled. That's all."

"What about how close you and Chat Noir are? Remember what started all of this in the first place? He embraced you in the streets."

"Well, yeah, but I wouldn't really say we're close. More like, we know each other? I don't know!" I exclaim, huffing as I pace my room. Alya watches me intently, one eyebrow cocked. "I don't understand anything, okay? I love Adrien, I want to be with Adrien. I don't want to be with anyone else besides Adrien. But Chat Noir... he was a good kisser. And he's attractive. I was just... caught up in the moment, okay?"

"Suuuure." Alya drawls out, not looking the slightest bit convinced.

"Look, you'll be the first person I tell anything too, when I know anything. Okay? For now, I'm firm on this. I love Adrien Agreste. I only love Adrien Agreste."

"Don't say I didn't tell you so when you realize you love Chat Noir." Alya retorts, a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, well don't blame me when I smack the shit out of you for even implying something so ridiculous." I argue back, and she just giggles.

"Whatever you say, Dupain-Cheng. Want to go out somewhere?" She offers, trying to change the subject.

"Not really, I'm not ready to face the public after all of that last night."

"Binge watch Komi Can't Communicate then?" Alya asks, and I enthusiastically nod my head. We climb into bed, opening up my laptop to start the anime we both adore.

For the time being, I'm just going to hide from the world with my best friend.

Everything will be okay.

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