Chapter 9

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Charles Wallace made his way to the Beatles' apartment and entered.

"Hey, guys!" he said.

"Hey, Charlesie" said George Harrison.

"Paul, Jill. Wedding planner at your service" said Charles Wallace.

Paul McCartney gave a tiny laugh and said "Very good."

"Where's John now?" said Charles Wallace.

"He's out with his girl Yoko" said Ringo Starr.

"Oh for god's sake!" Charles Wallace grunted.

"Where's Calvin?" said Paul.

"At Mr Oceanbring's. He's been complaining about needed a coiffing for days" said Charles Wallace.

"And Sam?" said George.

"She and Dick Grayson are at Wigglehouse. They promised the Wiggles she'd help them with their latest recording. Now then. We got a lot to do to plan this wedding" said Charles Wallace.

"Actually, Charles, we were just gonna wing it. Keep it low key" said Jill.

"What? Jill, Jill, sweetheart, you don't just wing the happiest day of your life. You seize and you cherish it. You strangle it with good intentions. Now let's see. When Meg was engaged to Chad, the first thing we talked about was her name" said Charles Wallace.

"Her name?" said Jill. 

"Uh-huh. We discussed it and she decided to hyphenate her name to Murry-Stuart. So what are you gonna do?" said Charles Wallace.

"Well... I don't think my name would sound good hyphenated" said Jill.

"Gibson-McCartney? Yeah, no" said Ringo.

"Then how's about you take Paul's name. Huh?" said Charles Wallace.

Jill thought on it then said "I s'pose it's not a bad idea."

"Jill McCartney. I like it" said George. 

"Me too. How about it, luv?" said Paul.

"I'd love it" said Jill. 

"Alrighty! That's the name done. Now let's move on to your hair. The best styles for weddings are..." Charles Wallace began.

He found some pictures and showed them to Jill.

"Updo with a top bun. Traditional. Or updo with a fishtail braid. Flirtatious!" 

"They're both so lovely" said Jill.

"Yeah... but I don't think Jill's hair is long enough for the fishtail braid" said George. 

"I do think the first one would look better on me anyhow" said Jill.

"Then the updo with the top bun it is. Gee, we're really going to town on these plans" said Charles Wallace. 

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