Chapter Twelve

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Felix sat on his bed, watching a kdrama when his phone started blowing up. He looked down at his phone, quickly realizing he had been added to a group chat with all of the boys from the other day.

Jeongin: Hey everyone! I just wanted to tell you all that I'm having a small party this weekend and I was hoping you all could come?

Seungmin: Oh I am so down! Hopefully a certain someone doesn't puke everywhere again though...

Hyunjin: Okay that was ONE time like 3 years ago >:(

Felix: HAHA

Hyunjin: Felix you're supposed to be on my side :(

Felix: Nah

Minho: Anyways... I'm free this weekend so I can probably come, will there be drinks?

Jeongin: Uhm obviously

Minho: Great, I'll be there

Felix: Me too!

Hyunjin: I guess I can come

Han: Ohhhhh I cant wait! It's my roomies birthday!

Changbin: I am so there!

Chan: Well someone has to watch all you children so I'll come too!

Felix: Hyung you are such a hypocrite

Chan: What?

Felix: Last time we partied together I had to drag your ass home. That poor uber driver had to help me carry you

Minho: You're such a messy drunk

Felix: Minho you have no room to talk rn

Jeongin: Felix exposing everyone today

Minho: Okay that was one time

Felix: Two times actually

Seungmin: I'm confused?

Chan: Same

Felix: Minho has tried to drunk kiss me twice now

Hyunjin: what

Chan: HUH

Changbin: HUH


Hyunjin: Wait lets rewind really quick. You did WHAT

Felix: This was like 2 years ago Hyun, don't worry

Minho: :]

Chan: I'm so... just wow

Jeongin: Okay.... so this took a turn

Han: Yeah for sure

Jeongin: Anyways! I'll see you all Saturday!

Felix laughed slightly to himself, unpausing his show, only to be interrupted a second later by his phone ringing. Pausing his show once more, Felix answered his phone, "Hey Hyunjin, What's up?"

Hyunjin answered quickly as he asked, "Minho tried to kiss you? What's all that about?"

Felix frowned at Hyunjin's tone of voice, "Well yeah, but this was two years ago and he was drunk. I don't think he even knew who he tried to kiss."

Felix heard Hyunjin sigh on the other end, "Okay, so he won't be a problem or anything right? I don't want to have to fight him or something. That guy is scary."

Felix laughed loudly, "No Hyun, you wont have to fight Minho. Besides, I'm pretty sure he has a little crush on Han. That day after we all hung out he wouldn't stop talking about him."

Now Hyunjin laughed, "Okay that makes me feel a bit better. I'll pick you up on Saturday?"

Felix smiled, "Yeah, that sounds good. I'll see you then."


Hyunjin knocked on Jeongin and Han's front door, Felix standing just behind him. The door opened a second later to reveal Jeongin, who was wearing a plastic gold crown. "Hey guys! Come on in!" He yelled over the loud music.

Felix and Hyunjin smiled as they walked in, Felix was almost immediately swept away by Han and Seungmin, who insisted that he needed a drink. Hyunjin looked around the big apartment, Jeongin's definition of a "small party" was much different than Hyunjin's. Several people were spread about the apartment drinking, playing games, dancing, and even some karaoke.

Jeongin pulled Hyunjin back before he went off to have fun, "Hey man, I just wanted to warn you, Ji-woo and her friends are all here somewhere."

Hyunjin looked at Jeongin in confusion, "Why did you invite them?"

"They kind of invited themselves and refused to get out when I told them to leave. I heard about Felix standing up to her though, so I figured even if she does try to start something, we'll sort her out." Jeongin explained quickly.

"Don't worry about it Jeongin, just have fun for your birthday, I'll handle her." Hyunjin reassured Jeongin before they parted ways.

Hyunjin walked into the kitchen and poured himself a drink, saying hi to some of familiar faces around. Over in the corner of the kitchen he saw Changbin and Chan laughing with some other people he slightly recognized. "Hey guys! How's the party so far?" He asked, joining the group.

"Hyunjin!" Chan said as he hugged Hyunjin tightly. "Everyone this is my little brother's boyfriend!" He yelled once more over the loud music.

Some girl from the group turned to look at him as she said, "Oh I heard about that! So you guys really are dating?"

Hyunjin nodded his head, "Yeah!"

She looked at her friend beside her before talking again, "Oh that's cool! I just feel so bad for Wooyoung, someone is going to have to tell him that it's true."

Hyunjin looked around the group of people all nodding their heads, "Wait what? What about Wooyoung?"

Wooyoung was in a few of Hyunjin's classes, he always had girls fawning over him. It was understandable though, Wooyoung was a classic hot guy, he couldn't blame all those people for crushing on him, especially because the boy was so popular.

"Yeah, you don't know? Wooyoung has had the biggest crush on Felix for like a year now." She said, a slight laugh in her voice.

Her friend continued explaining as she said, "Felix has rejected him three times now. He was still so devastated when the rumors first went around about you guys a few weeks ago. I'm sure he won't be thrilled finding out that they were true."

Hyunjin nodded his head, "Oh, I didn't know that... Thanks guys." Hyunjin waved to Chan and Changbin before heading off the find someone else he knew.

Suddenly Felix appeared in front of him, "Hyunjin! I was looking for you!"

Hyunjin smiled, "You were?"

"Well duh. What kind of couple would we be if we didn't hang out at parties together?" Felix smiled, "Come on Hyun, lets go dance, Minho and Han are already out there."

Hyunjin smiled, yeah Wooyoung, Felix was looking for him.

Author Note: More of the party scene coming in the next chapter! Is there anything you guys would like me to make happen at the party? (Def some Minsung coming up don't worry! )

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