Chapter Nine

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Felix unlocked his front door, swinging it open as he said, "Home sweet home!" Hyunjin followed behind Felix, laughing as the smaller boy ran to his bedroom and collapsed on his bed, only to pop up a second later as he said "Ah shit, I still have to get ready and pick up."

Felix started picking up the failed outfits from the other day only to be stopped by Hyunjin gently grabbing his waist and pulling Felix to face him. "Don't worry about the mess Lix, you go shower and get ready, I'll pick up this stuff." Hyunjin said sweetly making Felix raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Why...?" Felix leaned away from Hyunjins grip, a skeptical look on his face.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "I am trying to be nice here Lix, just go relax and I'll take care of this."

Felix eyed the very suspicious Hyunjin before slowly walking off to his bathroom. After a moment Felix through Hyunjins sweatshirt and sweatpants out of a crack in the door as he yelled, "I'm going to shower quickly, there are your clothes!"

Hyunjin smiled as he picked up his clothes, placing them on Felix's bed for a moment while he tried to remember where to put all of Felix's stuff.

After about 20 minutes later, Hyunjin had finished picking up and Felix was still in the shower. Hyunjin sighed as he started grabbing his things, Felix probably didn't want him to stay and bother his study time with Changbin.

Hyunjin grabbed a pen and paper from Felix's desk, wanting to write him a goodbye note. However before he could start writing, someone knocked on the front door. Hyunjin smirked, knowing that this so called "Changbin" was most likely on the other side of the door.

Hyunjin set down his things before walking over to the door and opening it, a cold look across his face as he looked at the man Infront of him. The man was shorter than Hyunjin, but he definitely had a lot more muscles than Hyunjin. He wore a tight black t-shirt that defined his chest and arms nicely.

"Who are you?" Hyunjin asked sternly, trying to show the shorter boy that he wasn't scared of him.

"Uhm, I'm Seo Changbin. I'm here to study with Felix, are you his roommate or something?" The boy said as he eyed Hyunjin carefully, trying to figure out who he was.

"I'm Hwang Hyunjin, Felix's boyfriend actually."

Changbin's eyes widened slightly, "Boyfriend? Uhm is Felix here or?-"

Right on que Felix walked out of his bedroom wearing only black sweatpants, his wet hair dripping water down onto his toned abs as he said "Hey Jinnie did you move my white sweatshi-"

Just now looking up at the door, Felix jumped when he saw Changbin standing there, staring at Felix with wide eyes. Hyunjins eyes went wide for two reasons. One, Felix's wet and toned body was exposed right Infront of him. And two, Felix's wet and toned body was exposed right in front of Changbin.

Hyunjin jumped Infront of Felix, hiding the small boy from Changbin as he grabbed the sweatshirt of his that Felix wore the day before, helping the boy put the shirt on before quietly saying, "Felix, I am perfectly fine with you flashing me, but maybe not in front of other guys?"

Felix rolled his eyes at Hyunjin's sarcastic scolding. He stepped out from behind Hyunjin, now fully covered as he said, "Sorry about that Changbin, I didn't realize you were here yet."

Changbin nodded his head carefully, "Uhm, yeah it's fine... Should we get studying I guess?"

Felix nodded awkwardly, looking over at Hyunjin, "Well I'll see you later Jinnie..."

Hyunjin glanced over at Changbin, who was still looking at Felix's torso, almost as if he was trying to see through the sweatshirt. He smirked once he saw Changbin look up at them, using this chance to place a sweet peck on Felix's face.

"I'll call you tonight love." Hyunjin said with a wink, looking at Changbin sternly once last time before gathering his things and leaving Felix alone with Changbin.

"So you have a boyfriend now?" Changbin asked Felix carefully once Hyunjin had left. Felix nodded his head, still thinking about the peck as him and Changbin pulled out their books and started studying.


Hyunjin walked out to his car in silence, just about a million thoughts flooded his mind at the moment. For starters, he had just kissed Felix. Yes, on the cheek but still, that was Felix's biggest rule, had he gone too far?

But not only that, DID HE SERIOUSLY INVITE FELIX TO FLASH HIM?! Who the heck says that Hyunjin?! Hyunjin cringed as he remembered his words. He slammed his car door shut, driving off in silence.


"Bye Changbin! Thanks again for helping me!" Felix said with a smile as he walked Changbin out after their study session.

"Yeah no problem Felix, I'll see you later, maybe one of these days we can hang out with your boyfriend so I can decide if he's good enough for my little baby Felix." Changbin jokingly said as he grabbed his bag.

"Haha, very funny Bin. Goodbye now~" Felix's voice dragged out in a sing-song manner as he shut the door, sighing softly at the silence.

Felix walked to his bedroom, laying down in bed, not bothering to change or anything. He pulled up Instagram, looking through everyone's recent posts, enjoying the solitude for the first time in two days.

His scrolling was interrupted when a certain post caught his eye.

Felix felt a small smile spread across his face, when did they even take this picture? Clicking out of Instagram, Felix went to Hyunjin's contact, hitting the call button without thinking

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Felix felt a small smile spread across his face, when did they even take this picture? Clicking out of Instagram, Felix went to Hyunjin's contact, hitting the call button without thinking. It rung once before a sleepy sounding Hyunjin picked up the phone.

"Oh Felix? Is everything okay?" Hyunjin asked gently, clearly nervous about something.

"Yeah I'm okay, I just wanted to say thank you for this weekend, I had a great time." Felix explained slowly, also feeling very tired himself.

"Oh, okay... Listen about earlier, you know, when I kissed you..."

Felix laughed at the awkward tone of Hyunjin's voice, "It's okay Hyunjin, I know you were just trying to protect our secret, plus you respected my boundaries. It's all good."

Hyunjin let out a breath of relief before saying, "Okay that makes me feel so much better. Uhm and about the whole flashing comment..."

Felix let out a loud laugh, "Don't worry Jinnie, I know I'm hard to resist." Felix jokes, imagining that red blush that was spread across Hyunjin's face at the very moment.

"Very true."

"Hyunjin you cant say that!"

"What?! It's true!"

A/N: Uhm yeah, idk where this is going, but I'm here for the ride ig

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