Chapter Ten

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The next few days were as normal as they could be. Hyunjin and Felix didn't hang out much outside of school, however they made sure to sit together at be all lovey dovey in the school grounds. Everything was actually going a lot better than both boys expected. Well, for now at least.

Felix starred down at his phone as he walked down the main hallway of their school. He stopped once he reached the common area, where several students sat around at random couches and tables, doing homework or hanging out with friends.

His attention was quickly caught by a certain brunette across the room. Sitting at a table, looking uncomfortable, was Hyunjin. Accompanied by the lovely Ji-woo, who clearly couldn't take a hint.

Felix smirked to himself, not looking at Ji-woo as he made his way over to Hyunjin. Felix dramatically sat down beside Hyunjin, draping his legs over Hyunjins lap as he whined, "Baby we should go get some food, I'm really hungry and I missed you!"

Hyunjins eyes widened at the sudden presence of Felix, however his face clearly changed into a look of 'thank you' when he realized what was happening. Ji-woo scoffed making Felix turn his head.

"Oh my gosh Ji-woo! When did you get here?" Felix said sweetly, an innocent smiled spread on his face as he looked up at the angry Ji-woo. Felix watched happily as she struggled to find words, and ended up stomping away angrily without saying anything.

Felix sighed dramatically as he said, "Oh my god, she never gives up does she?" Felix felt Hyunjin's hand drift to his thigh as he laughed, "Oh yeah, she's a tough one."

Felix nodded quickly forgetting about Hyunjin's hand that was now rubbing his thigh lovingly. "But if you aren't busy we really should go get some food, I really am hungry."

Hyunjin smirked, "Oh yeah? Does that mean you also really missed me? Hmm?" Felix rolled his eye's at Hyunjin's flirty actions.

"When did you get so flirty huh? I swear you used to be so nice and now its all 'oh you can flash me' and trying to seduce me through massages." Felix said sarcastically, watching very amused at how Hyunjin's face turned red as he just now noticed how he was massaging Felix.

"Oh, uh, Sorry..." Hyunjin replied awkwardly, moving his hands off Felix and quickly putting them at his sides.

Felix rolled his eyes again, "It's fine dummy, if I didn't like it I would've told you to stop." Felix gently grabbed Hyunjin's hand, placing it on his own thigh once more.

Hyunjin started carefully messaging Felix's thigh as he teasingly said, "Oh is the big, tough, Felix admitting that he likes when I flirt with him?"

Hyunjin expected Felix to yell at him, run away, smack him even, but Felix did not do anything of the sort. Instead, the smaller boy leaned over and flirtily whispered, "Maybe he is..."

And then proceeded to jump up, pretending nothing happened as he said, "Now c'mon, lets go get food!"

Hyunjin starred off into the distance for a moment, feeling the heat radiating off his face as Felix's words replayed in his mind. Why the hell is someone who hasn't even had their first kiss so good at flirting? It never failed to make Hyunjin's mind go blank!

Hyunjin didn't even realize that Felix had started walking away until he called his name, "Hwang! Move your ass! I want dinner!"

He jumped at the sound of his name, scrambling to put his things in his bag so he could follow Felix.


Felix and Hyunjin sat facing each other at the restaurant, both boys lazily looking over the menu as they talked. "So I've been meaning to ask you about something." Hyunjin said casually once their waiter left.

"Yeah? What's up?" Felix said, focusing on the boy Infront of him.

Hyunjin smiled sheepishly, "So my friends have been bugging me non-stop about wanting to meet you. I was wondering if you'd be okay with maybe going out to dinner or something with all of us?"

Felix's eye lit up, as he loudly responded, "Oh my gosh that is so perfect! My friends have also been wanting to meet you!" Hyunjin smiled widely as Felix continued talking. "Maybe we could all get together as a big group?"

Hyunjin nodded, "Sounds good to me! Maybe we could all go to that new amusement park by the university? I know my friend Han has been dying to go there for a while."

Felix smiled as he replied, "Perfect! I'll text them now!"

Hyunjin nodded, "Yeah, I can't wait to meet them."

"I'm sure they'll love you!" Felix said, excited for their plans.

Author Note: Just letting you guys know, my uploading schedule will be spaced out quite a bit just because I mainly upload every other weekend when I'm at my dad's house. Sorry that it's been so long!

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