Chapter One

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WARNING: Swearing and Harassment: I will put *** when this starts for anyone wanting to skip it.

Felix loved going to parties with his friends. He loved all the dancing, singing, and making fun of drunk girls. Although he was only in his 2nd year of college it was safe to say Felix had been to quite a few parties. So when him and his friends got invited to Jackson Wang's mansion, he had to say yes.

Felix pulled himself away from his friends as he yelled over the loud music "Guys! I'll be right back! I'm going to get some air!"

Felix pushed open the front door, the cold air hitting his face immediately sending a shiver down his body. A few people were scattered through the front yard but Felix didn't mind. He sat down on the steps leading up to the front door, scrolling through Instagram for a moment as he enjoyed the quiet-ish atmosphere.

Sure, parties were fun, but all that noise and sweaty people could be a lot. Felix sighed before standing up and brushing himself off. He put his phone back in his pocket before walking back up the steps to go inside, but of course Felix's life couldn't be that easy.


"Well, well. What have we got here?" Said a voice from the top of the stairs. Felix looked up to see an older boy with a drink in hand looking down at him. Felix tried to ignore the man and walk past him, but a cold boney hand grabbed his wrist suddenly.

"Woah, where do you think you're going baby? Playing hard to get, huh?" The man said with a smirk as his grip on Felix tightened more. The music inside was definitely way too loud for anyone inside to hear him and come to help, he would have to do this on his own.

"Please let go, I have a boyfriend." Felix lied, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

"Oh, so he does speak? Well baby I don't see any boyfriend around here. Why don't I show you how to have a good time." Felix felt his body tense up at the man's words.

Before he could regret his decision, Felix used his free hand to point at the first boy he saw. "That's my boyfriend!" He said loudly, getting the strangers attention.

The older man looked over at the stranger and laughed before he spoke "Hyunjin? You're trying to tell me that you're dating him?" Felix looked at the stranger who's name he assumed to be Hyunjin with a pleading look as the older man kept talking. "Listen here bitch, stop fighting this, I know you want this." The stranger didn't move, but he carefully watched the scene.

Felix was on the verge of tears now as he said "Just ask him! I swear that's my boyfriend!" Felix hoped that the stranger had some sense of kindness as the man turned to him.

"You know what, fine. Hyunjin is this your bitch?" Felix winced at the tightening grip on his wrist, staring right at the stranger as he mouthed 'Help please'.

The stranger sighed before standing up and walking over to them. "Please let go of my boyfriend." The stranger said sternly. Felix sighed in relief as the older man finally let go of his wrist as he turned his full attention to Hyunjin.

"Bull shit! You're telling me Mr. Popular is dating a guy now? I almost laughed!" The man said loudly, gaining the attention of other people who were outside. Feeling guilty now, Felix spoke softly, trying to get the man to go away.

"Can you please just leave us alone? He told you he's my boyfriend, just leave already." Felix tried his best not to anger him more, but the man was clearly very drunk and not ready to listen to anyone.

"Nobody was talking to you!" The man started to yell before being cut off by the helpful stranger.

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up? Just fuck off!" He yelled before gently grabbing Felix's hand and leading them both away from the creep. The man finally seemed to take the hint as he angrily stormed back inside the house.

*** - End of Harassment/Arguing

They finally stopped walking once they reached the street where everyone parked their cars. Felix gently pulled his hand away from the stranger as he softly said "Thank you so much, I'm really sorry for dragging you into this."

The man nodded his head before answering "It's fine, just go home now, if you go back in there that creep will probably find you again. I'm Hyunjin by the way."

"I will, thanks again Hyunjin. I'm Felix." He said with a soft smile.

Felix walked over to his car with one last wave to Hyunjin. This night had taken a turn for the worse and Felix was just ready to go home and sleep in his bed. He started up his car, making sure to lock his doors in case the creep was somewhere waiting for him.

As he drove off he watched Hyunjins figure fading in the distance. Even after seeing him up close, Felix could not recognize the guy. He got lucky that the stranger was actually willing to help. It was safe to say Felix was definitely ordering a good taser once he got home.

Hyunjin POV: I watched as Felix's black car drove away, sighing to myself as I went to look for Mark; the creepy guy from before. If Mark is sober enough to remember this tomorrow it could create some awkward rumors. Felix got lucky that I was the one out there at the time. Looking back at all the others out in the yard, I knew that he would've had no chance of a good night if he asked anyone else for help.

How do I get myself into these situations?

A/N: Please vote and comment if you like the story so far!

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