Not all Survivors are Believed: Currant Cream Cookie

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TW WARNING: This will talk about being kidnapped and not being believed. It will mention thoughts of self harm and small acts of self harm. This will also touch on the subjects of the cruelty of society)

Backstory: Currant Cream is a more shy and overstressed with her work. She is super dependant on her business for confidence and her business is failing due to stress and rumors about her. the other fashionistas are quite mean and are bitter rivals. the worst one is Pastel Meringue who acts super sweet but will do anything to be the top fashion designer and Sour belt who will get her hands dirty to be on top.

Currant Creams & 3rd person POV:

"did you hear, she CLAIMS she was kidnapped...what an attention seeker'

"i heard she skipped out on the charity event cause it was beneath her"

"like...who would wanna take her. she'"

"she definitely doesn't belong in the fashion one would want her style...or her around"

I sighed heavily as i tried to ignore the cruel rumors. I tried to finish my work....but it was hard. It had honestly been months but it still flashed in my mind like it was yesterday. The memories of my traumatic event still fresh in my mind.

I remembered being grabbed and next thing i knew i was blindfolded, bound and gagged in a room. I cried softly as i shook in fear. "what did they want with me...what were they gonna do with me" I remember trying to beg to be set free, ask what i did wrong but my captor did nothing but stay quiet or tell me to be quiet in a voice that scared me. After what felt like hours i was finally dropped off in a bad part of town, MILES away from my home or the event. I sat there for hours and i finally called Pastel Meringue. He said he believed me and came to get me....he told me everything would be okay...but. I had no idea he wasn't really my friend. But he was good at acting like a friend. I felt like i was losing my mind from the fear and paranoia. I went to the police but without any evidence i was dismissed, they thought was being emotional. My heart broke...i felt alone.

I began to get locks for my shop. I began to get paranoid and look over my shoulder a ton. Pinny my pet porcupine was always near my side, trying to help soothe me....but it never helped. Then the rumors started, the cruel evil rumors. It started out small, just small dumb rumors. i tried to ignore them and focus on my work

But came out. My bigger secret....I'm part vampire.

I don't know how it came out but it soon started a hellstorm of disaster and bad luck

I was losing customers one by one. They canceled orders and gave me cruel looks, disgusted looks. They believed all these rumors and didn't want to risk associating with me. It really hurt me.

My studio began to fall apart too. Lights and pipes began to get bad from bad outlits to rusted pipes. It was hard to keep up with both my work and my apartment.

Even worse...My fans began to complain about my work. My style was getting sloppy. I was so stressed to keep everyone happy and my studio from collapsing that my creative mind was getting blurry. I could barely find inspiration. I eventually had to move to a smaller studio after losing my bigger one.

Some days i would just....i would accidently prick my hand with pins.....and...i felt nothing. it...why didn't i feel anything. I would sometimes continue to "accidentally" prick my fingers....that is until Pinny stopped me. She was the only thing that kept me alive. She was my reason for living.

Some days i would just hold her and cry. I didn't understand what i did to deserve all this. I just wanted to make others happy....but....I was never truly happy.

Sorry for such a dark story. Needed to get this one out. There will be a fluff story coming out soon. just be patient.

More info on this story is on my tumblr.

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