Chapter 13

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"Fucking finally! Where were you?"

"Mum, language!"

"Sorry, darling. But Dani, where were you? You said you would be back for dinner, and it's been an hour! And I've been calling you and you weren't answering!"

"Daniela, is your shirt backwards?"

"It is, grandad" Lola chuckles.

"What were you doing?"

"Ok, that's enough" I say when they finally let me speak. "As you can see, I'm perfectly fine. I just had my phone on silence and got a bit carried away on my walk, nothing else. Can we now please eat? I'm famished."

"Everything is cold" Monica says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"And you still haven't told us why is your shirt backwards" my dad points out.


"The door!" Lola says. "I'll answer it!"

"Don't go alone, Lola!" her mum says, walking after her.

"Mason!" I hear her scream.

"Fuck" I whisper.

"Hello. I hope I am not interrupting" he says behind me a few seconds later.

"Of course not, son" my dad replies, getting up from his chair to shake his hand. "How are you? Enjoying your holidays?"

"I am, sir. Thank you for asking. Hello, Daniela."


"So, what brings you here?" Monica asks him.

"She left this on my car" he replies, giving me my phone. I hadn't noticed I didn't have it with me.

"Wait, you were together?" she says, her eyes growing wide.

"We crossed paths and he drove me home, nothing else" I quickly explain.

"Was she already wearing her shirt backwards?" my dad asks him.

"She..." Mason says, trying really hard not to smile.

"He has to go, don't you, Mason?" I intervene, already pushing him outside the living room and towards the front door. "Thank you very much for bringing me my phone."

"Can't he stay for dinner?" Lola asks. "Grandad was going to tell us stories from when he met grandma."

"Mason has to go back to his family, to have dinner with them."

"I actually don't. They went out for dinner with some of their friends, I'm alone tonight."

"Then you can stay with us!" my grandad says. "Lola, let's get ready a spot for him on the table. Girls, you go do something with that dinner, see if you can warm it again."

"Yes, c'mon Dani" my sister says, grabbing me by the arm and literally dragging me to the kitchen. "I want all the details. Now."

"Details of what?"

"Daniela, I'm not an idiot. You were with Mason, came in smiling, and are wearing your shirt backwards. That smells like sex on the beach."

"We didn't have sex on the beach."

"His car again? Oh my God, you did! Look at the way you are blushing!" she laughs.

"Shh, be quiet!"

"So? What happened? Did you make up?"

"We did, yes" I sigh.

"Oh, that's wonderful news!"

"And I told him that I love him."

I don't like you, Mason Mountजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें