Chapter 2

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"Have you texted him yet?"

"Text who?"

"Mason, of course!"

"Why would I do that?"

"He gave you his number over Christmas, and we are half way January. You should have texted him already" my sister Monica says.

"But I don't want to text him. I already told you I don't like him."

"Whatever" she says, rolling her eyes.

"If you are so interested on him, why don't you text him?"

"Because he is interested on you, not me. And besides, he is too young for me."

"And for me."

"Oh, c'mon. He's just a couple of years younger than yourself."

"Sometimes that's enough" I shrug.

"Where is his card?"

"I don't know."


"I think it is on the bag I took to the game, but I haven't checked."

"You are the worst" Monica says, getting up from the sofa.

"Where are you going?"

"To your room, to find that card and make you text him."

"What? No!" I say, following her.

"God, your wardrobe is a mess" she says once we are on my room.


"Oh, here it is. Mason Mount" she reads. "You also have his business email."

"One I'm not interested in either."

"Yeah, yeah" she says, taking out her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Saving his number just in case."

"No, give me that!" I say, trying to take the phone and the card from her hands.




"Give me that!" I say, managing to get the card from her, but tearing it in half.

"Look at what you've done, you idiot!"

"It probably is for the best."

"Urgh!" my sister grunts. "Now a couple of numbers are missing."

"You can always spend your afternoon texting all the possible combinations" I shrug.

"You are gonna regret this. You'll see" she says, leaving my room.

"I will not, Monica. You'll see" I reply.


"Looks like Mount already replaced you."


"Look at this" my sister says, showing me her phone. "They are saying he's seeing that girl."

"God, he has such bad taste."

"I know, he liked you" Monica says with a big smile.

"You are so funny. But good for him."

"Really? Aren't you regretting rnot texting him?"

"No, I don't" I say. But I gotta admit that over the past few months, I've been tempted to try and get his number from the card and text him something. Because I have kept the card, though my sister doesn't know.

"Anyway, have to go back to what I was supposed to be doing: getting Lola tickets for Chelsea's last game of the season. If you were dating Mason, I could ask him for them. But oh, well..." she says, making me roll my eyes.


"Auntie, are you sure you don't want to come?" Lola says, hugging me by the waist.


"But you still have your Mount shirt!"

"I do, yes." For whatever the reason, I've kept his shirt. It is on a bag at the back of my wardrobe, but it is there.

"Why don't you want to wear it and come to the game with us?" she pouts.

"I'm really tired from my shift today at the bookshop and my head is starting to hurt."

"I'll miss you."

"I won't" my dad says behind us. "Watching football with you is the worst, you are always complaining about something."

"I love you too, dad" I smile.

"Ok, are we all ready?" my sister says.

"We are" he replies.

"Then let's go, the traffic is gonna be a nightmare."

"Promise that you will at least watch it to see if we are on tv" Lola says before letting me go.

"I will, I promise" I say, giving her a little squeeze.


"Oh, shit, there they are!" I say, quickly grabbing my phone to take a photo of the tv, Lola and my dad singing with the rest of the fans. But when I finally manage to do it, I take a photo of someone else. Of Mason. "Urgh" I complain while looking at the photo, which happens to be a really good one. You can see how nice his hair looks, how fluffy and... "No" I say to myself. "Do not go there. You don't like him, you can't think those things about him."


"Auntie!" Lola says, running towards me when she comes back home. "You won't believe what happened!"

"You were on tv!"

"We were?"

"Yes, you and grandad."

"Did we look good?" he asks.

"Gorgeous" I laugh. "But I didn't manage to get a photo. Sorry."

"It's ok, auntie. Because look who took a photo with me!" Lola says, showing me her phone.

There he is, with that big smile of his, his dimple, and the fluffy hair. Mason.

"How did you manage to get a photo with him?"

"He recognized her on the stands" my sister says.

"Isn't that cool?" Lola grins.

"Really cool, yeah."

"He was so nice, asking about how we were doing, if we had enjoyed the game... But I'm sorry, sis" Monica says once Lola and my dad have left for the kitchen. "He didn't ask about you."

"Why would he?" I ask.

"Yes, why would he" she repeats, leaving me alone with a weird feeling on my stomach. Something like... Disappointment? Why would I be disappointed? I don't like Mason. I don't hate him anymore after getting to meet him a bit, but I don't like him. And he has moved on and is seeing someone. He has forgotten about me. Which is what I wanted, right? Right?

"Urgh" I say to myself before following everyone else into the kitchen.

I don't like you, Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now