Chapter 5

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"Do I really have to go?"



"No buts, Dani. This is our last day here, and we must follow our tradition. We must do it for mum."

"But I don't feel well" I complain.

"You've been saying that for days, but you are lying. Why? I don't know. Maybe you are avoiding that boy you made out with."

And Monica is not wrong. Even though Mason and I have been texting and even facetimed a couple of times, I don't want to cross paths with him.

"I think I caught something."

"You didn't catch anything. The stupidity and stubbornness have been part of you since you were born."

"Hey!" I say, throwing her a slipper.

"See? You are fine. So put on a nice dress and let's go have dinner."


"You know, I still get emotional coming here" my dad says when we walk into the restaurant. This used to be mum's favourite place, the one where we've been having dinner on our last day of holidays since both Monica and I were little. And as a tribute to her, we've kept coming here.

"Mummy, is that..." Lola whispers, pointing to a table to our left.

"Hello there" Mason says. Mason. What the hell is he doing here? And tonight? "What a coincidence!"

"Indeed" my sister says. "It's really nice to see you again."

"You too" he replies. "Sir."

"Hello, Mount" my dad says, shaking his hand.

"And hello to you too."

"Hi" I mutter.

"Why don't you sit with us?" Mason offers.

"Oh, no, we don't want to bother you and your family" Monica replies.

"You won't be" Mason's mum says. "Please, come sit with us."


"I'm going to the bathroom" I whisper to my sister. We are almost done with dinner, and I can't wait to get out of here. Because for some odd reason, my family and Mason's are loving each other. They are even talking about meeting in London once we all are back!

"Don't take too long, we haven't had dessert yet."

"I'll try" I say, getting up.


"Oh, I'm so sorry" I say after hitting someone when I leave the bathroom.

"It's just me, don't worry" Mason says.

"What are you doing here?"

"Going to the bathroom?" he chuckles.

"And the restaurant? How did you know that we were coming? I never told you anything."

"It's just a coincidence."

"It is too much of a coincidence."

"But coincidences do happen" he shrugs.

"And with us, they are over. After tonight, we aren't seeing each other ever again."

"Are you sure?" he asks with a smile.

"Yes, I am. I've already told you I'm not interested on anything that has to do with you."

"Then why do you keep replying to my texts?"

"That's over. I'm deleting your number."

"Welll, it's a shame. Your family seems to like me a lot."

"God knows why" I scoff.

"Daniela, why are you so stubborn?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest, something that makes his muscles be more noticeable, making me stare at them. Why am I staring?

"I don't know, my sister says I was born like that" I reply, trying to look somewhere else.

"So you don't want to see me ever again?"


"Are you sure? Because if you say no, this is it. We will not see each other again. You may see me on tv, but that'll be it. I'm not wasting my time anymore."

"What? You are wasting your time?" I chuckle.

"Yes, I am. I am wasting my time with you. Because even though I know I've made you change your mind about me, you are too proud and stubborn to admit it."

"I have not changed my mind about you. I still think you are overrated, not as charming and funny as you believe yourself to be, and definitely not that handsome."

"Ha!" he laughs. "You weren't saying the same the other night when I was between your legs."

"That was a mistake that won't happen again" I say, trying to not raise my voice.

"Keep telling that to yourself" he laughs again. "But you are right, it won't happen again. It's over."







"Congratulations, you've won this stupid game of words" Mason says, rolling his eyes.

"Thank you" I reply with a big smile.

"Daniela..." he sighs after a few seconds of silence, running a hand through his hair. "I'm only asking once, and this will be it. Are you sure you don't want to see me again? Like, 100% sure?"

100%? Hell no. I'm doubting everything right now. Even my name.

"I need an answer, Daniela. And I need it now. Because my season is about to start, and I need to be focused, not constantly thinking about you."

He is... thinking about me? What?

"Don't look so surprised" he chuckles. "You know I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since Christmas. You have something that... I don't know, I can't explain it. But I'm done fighting. I know you are worth it, but sometimes the best thing you can do is to give up. So tell me. Are you sure you don't want to see me again?"

"I..." Did Mason Mount just confess that he has feelings for me? Me? Why?

"I need an answer."

And I can't think straight. The butterflies are moving like never before, threatening to rip apart my chest. But at the same time, I feel so scared... No, not scared. Terrified.

"Well, your silence says it all. We won't see each other again" he says, walking past me.

"No, Mason, wait..." But it is too late. He's already inside the bathroom and he can't hear me. It's over.

I don't like you, Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now