Debate and Missing

Start from the beginning

"And if we don't?" Otis asks.

"You really want to not show up to your Lieutenants wedding, Otis?" Matt asks him, kissing Nicole's cheek as she makes her way back to him and leans into his embrace as his arms go around her waist.

Otis thinks for a second, "I'll be there with a smile on my face."


Cruz looks to Nicole, "So who's your maid of honor? We know Severide's the best man."

Nicole looks between Shay and Gabby, who have both piped up in interest, "Well, there were a few things to consider and trust me I thought about this a lot."

Griffin nods, quickly, "And talked about it a lot."

Matt agrees, "Every dinner, every night before bed."

"Every time any wedding plan was being made," Griffin continues.

Nicole rolls her eyes at the twos exaggeration, "I think you two are being overdramatic."

"I think Ben can list more pros and cons for each candidate for your maid of honor than he can of the 50 states," Griffin argues, causing the men in the room to stifle their laughs when Nicole's glare turned to them.

"Since Gabby is Ember's godmother, and you both are great friends of mine, I decided that Shay will be my maid of honor."

Shay smiles, standing up and hugging Nicole as Gabby nods, accepting the decision, "Congratulations, Shay. You deserve it."

"Thanks, Dawson."

The two walk away in opposite directions before Nicole hits Cruz in the back of the head with a newspaper roll she picked up, "Ow! What was that for?"

"You had to ask."


Nicole twirls her engagement ring around on her finger as the firehouse gathers to listen to the debate between Mouch and Greg Sullivan that is MCed by Otis, "Next question goes to Mr. Sullivan. Mr. Sullivan, if elected union president, what would you do to better the lives of the firefighters in this city?"

"Well, that is a great question, Brian. I'm glad you asked it. As your union president, my first order of business would be to put an end to the crippling interference by state officials and do away with policies, like the mandatory wellness program."

Otis mumbles to himself, "That's actually a pretty good answer. And onto you, Mr. McHolland."

Mouch draws out his answer, "I would have to say that I am in agreement with, uh, Mr. Sullivan here."

"All right, I'm going to throw a little curveball here at you guys," Otis says, "Uh, Mr. Sullivan, if you could be any kind of animal, any kind at all, what would you be."

Nicole turns her face into Matt's chest to keep from laughing at the question.

"Uh, well, I know what I wouldn't want to be. I wouldn't want to be a Mouch."

They all look at him, mixture of confusion and anger on their faces, "I-I'm sorry?'

"Oh, a Mouch. You know, half man, half couch. It's mr. McHolland's nickname at this firehouse, am I right?" Sullivan brings up.

Mouch tries to change the topic, "I don't see how that's-"

"You must admit that nickname does not inspire leadership. In fact, it implies the opposite...laziness, slovenliness." Sullivan challenges.

Otis turns to him, "Do you care to respond to that, Mouch? Ah, Mr. McHolland?"

Mouch cleans it up pretty nicely, "I don't feel the need to dignify Mr. Sullivan's remarks except to say that the nickname that he's referring to is a term of endearment given to me by my coworkers out of friendship and respect."

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