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♣️Season 1, Episode 4♣️

The paramedic trio hop out of the rig, "Why didn't you call Alexa back? I liked her," Gabby called to Shay.

"You know the joke. What does a lesbian bring on a second date?" The other two shrug, "A moving van."

"You have major commitment issues," Nicole tells her, opening the back doors.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, not everyone can find true love with a Matt Casey by accident," Shay pokes her side.

Nicole rolls her eyes, handing Shay a big pumpkin, "Put this outside, Gabby, bring the candy inside while I go check on my true love."

"I am not carving this thing."

Laughing, Nicole gets halfway through Matt's door when the alarm sounds and the couple sigh, "Engine 51, Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, warehouse fire..."

Matt lands a kiss on Nicole's cheek as they get into their separate rigs.


The paramedics prep the stretcher and supplies as Truck and Squad breach the building. Nicole keeps an eye on the smoke, before rushing to the door as victims start evacuating, "It's gonna flashover."

Nicole accepts the IV Shay hands her behind her back while checking over an older man as the building explodes. She watches as Mills tries to argue with the Chief before giving up.


Nicole flips some sizzling bacon as Matt's arms wrap around her from behind, kissing her neck, "Smells good."

"I know, everything I make smells good," Nicole jokes handing Matt his thermos of coffee.

Taking a sip, Matt pauses as he spots the dozens of plates of cookies on the counter, "What are those?"


"I see that," Matt gives her a look, "But why are they there and wrapped up?"

Nicole smiles, plating up their breakfast, "Because we are bringing them to the firehouse. Two plates will be going home with Herrmann for his family. The rest will probably be gone by the end of shift. You know how everyone gets when they aren't allowed the sweets in the house so I'm bring some extra."

Matt smiles at her, giving her a kiss, "You are the sweetest."

Rolling her eyes, Nicole pushes Matt away, "Go eat so we can leave."


Arriving at the firehouse, Nicole sees Boden standing in the driveway, "Do you two have enough plates of cookies, there?"

Nicole stops in front of him, "Open the top one and take a cookie, Chief. Enjoy it before the pigs in there eat all of them."

Boden smiles, opening the top plate, and taking one. He nods, taking a bite before allowing the couple into the firehouse. 

Stepping into the building, Nicole hears Cruz say, "Just take the damn piece of candy, she won't notice."

"Hell yes I would," Nicole says, startling Truck, "Squad, Engine, Ambo! In the kitchen!"

Everyone makes their way into the room as Matt and Nicole set the plates on the counter, "Okay, I have made 12 plates of cookies. Two of them will be going home with Herrmann for his family."

"They thank you in advance."

"That means that ten of them will be here for us. Not a single piece of candy better be missing or I make you regret it. Am I clear?" Nicole smiles, threatenly.

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